FIRST STEPS TO A BETTER FUTURE INITIATIVES ARE NOW EMERGING THAT REPRESENT A NEW DIRECTION FOR WWF - MORE AMBITIOUS, MORE INTEGRATED ACROSS GEOGRAPHIES AND WORKSTREAMS, AND MORE COALITION-BASED THAN EVER BEFORE. HERE ARE SOME EXAMPLES... TACKLING THE TRADE IN ELEPHANT IVORY CREATING 50 NEW TIGER HEARTLANDS PERMANENT FUNDING FOR PROTECTED AREAS In Africa, every day an average of 55 elephants are killed for their ivory. Their tusks supply ivory markets mainly in Asia and are primarily directed at Chinese consumers. We are working towards closing legal ivory markets, using behavioural science to engage with Chinese consumers to reject buying ivory, and working to end the illegal wildlife trade. Tiger heartlands are vital for conserving biodiversity and for supporting millions of people with natural resources and services. As part of WWF's commitment to Tx2 − the goal to double tiger numbers in the wild by 2022 − we will secure the effective management of 50 sites with the highest potential to become critical tiger habitats. The Earth for Life approach helps provide an innovative longterm funding model to effectively manage protected areas. This initiative brings together WWF and partners under the common goal of securing globally significant biodiversity conservation and mitigating climate change. WWF-INT Strategy Report 2018 page 30 NO PLASTICS IN NATURE Eight million tons of plastics are dumped into the ocean every year via rivers and trash on land, affecting the health of habitats, species and humans. We are calling for no plastics in nature through a significant reduction of plastics use, creating plastic pollution-free cities, and investment in new solutions and circular economy approaches.