A GLOBAL DEAL FOR NATURE BY 2020 The drift towards catastrophic crisis must stop. We need global commitments for action by 2020. The global response to the accelerating loss of nature is slowly gathering momentum. UN initiatives such as the Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Climate Agreement point the way forward. Although this is exciting progress, we know that the current commitments are not enough. In 2020, we have the opportunity to galvanise political and corporate leadership around a new comprehensive commitment to stop and reverse the loss of nature, unified with the efforts on development, climate and land degradation. A commitment that recognises our moral WWF-INT Strategy Report 2018 page 8 duty to preserve the environment for all life and our future generations; the crucial value of nature's services for our own well-being and prosperity; the immense risk of losing biodiversity and collapsing natural systems like forests, rivers and oceans. And the urgent need to act. 2020 sees a splendid opportunity when world leaders will take key decisions on the environment, climate and sustainable development. These decisions will set the agenda for the next decade. Together, we want to influence these global decisions and send a message that it's no longer acceptable to continue destroying our natural world - and that we can take a different, better path. Put simply, we need governments and business to commit by 2020 to reversing the loss of nature and living within the limits of what the environment can offer us.