The Hotel Inspector 2013 - (Page 57)

cuisine Want to take your hotel to the next level? You won't do it without a strong reputation for culinary excellence... TOPNOTCH NOSH Want to make a name for your establishment through fine dining? It’s not going to be cheap, and it certainly won’t be easy – but it could lead to huge success in the long run… PHOTOGRAPHY: Getty Images, Pride of Britain/Langshott Manor T he way to a man’s heart may or may not be through his stomach, but at least one of the ways to success in the hotel industry is through the dining room: top-notch nosh is an indispensable part of the hospitality experience and establishments that can win a reputation for fine dining have a huge head-start on the competition. It’s not for nothing that so many of the highest-profile and most critically acclaimed restaurants in the country are located in hotels; there’s a symbiotic win-win relationship between the provision of food and that of accommodation which leads to success both financial and reputational, and no hotel aspiring to greatness can offer anything other than the very best culinary delights. One way to set about this is a relatively hands-off approach: effectively leasing out space within your hotel to a restaurateur, either for a set fee or for a share of the profits (perhaps the restaurant itself would be run as a joint venture by both parties). There are innumerable ways this arrangement can be structured but there are many potential advantages; assuming your chosen restaurateur is worth his or her salt (and if not, what are you PRESENTATION Food is first eaten through the eyes: when compiling a menu remember the value of great presentation, and food you can turn into gorgeous photos for your marketing collateral. doing this for anyway?) you can hand over a whole bundle of management and risk headaches to someone else, whilst piggybacking happily on someone else’s hard-one reputation. Of course, there are cons – loss of a degree of control, for one, which many hoteliers will feel uncomfortable with (especially when there’s very little which can do greater damage to an establishment’s good name than a major food poisoning incident…) and a level of revenue which might be less than that which you’d expect from running everything in-house (although gross revenues may of course be significantly higher thanks to the appeal of the big-name chef keeping the plates spinning) – but you may find that they are significantly outweighed by the pros. One of those pros which really shouldn’t be undervalued is the simple fact of raising awareness of your establishment and getting feet through the door. Especially if you’re a new kid on the block, or operating in a crowded market, partnering with an existing set-up (especially, of course, if it involves a very well-known chef - although of course there are only so many high-profile names to go round) with its own established brand THE HOTEL INSPECTOR 57-58 kitchen FINAL.indd 57 057 9/1/13 11:47:45

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Hotel Inspector 2013

Alex's welcome
News bulletin
Statement pieces
Series round up
Gym & Spas
Fine dining
Kitchen matters
Energy efficiency
Food management
Cooking equipment
Technology upgrade
App integration
Renewable energy
The Hospitality Show
Hospitality Technology Expo
Business supplies
Hotel management
Global clients
The 10 best hotels
AA interview
Hotels of the future

The Hotel Inspector 2013