The Hotel Inspector 2013 - (Page 109)

services WORDS: Jessie Constantine PHOTOGRAPHY: Shutterstock B ack in the mists of time, before social networking and customer-generated review sites, a hotel with a less-than-zealous approach to cleanliness might well have stood a chance of at least getting enough customers through the front doors to allow a few to back out having run their gloved fingers across a grubby surface and turned up their noses. Now, however, there’s very little that will damage your reputation more quickly or more terminally than a liberal application of dirt. It’s difficult to conclude when looking around a slovenly hotel anything other than that this is an establishment that doesn’t care too much – about its guests or anything else. In this business, where there’s muck there definitely isn’t brass. Demonstrating your establishment’s cleanliness starts even before the front door: keeping grounds and approachways litter-free and generally spick and span is an absolute must. Once inside the building, potential and actual guests need to see that this is maintained throughout all the public areas so the cleaning policy for the lobby, dining areas, bars and (especially) toilets and washrooms must be very aggressive. Treat dirt like an infection: to be contained and removed as quickly as possible. Whether you choose to keep your cleaning staff inhouse, or outsource to a specialist company, it just isn’t an option to skimp in this area and the relevant legislative requirements should be considered an absolute minimum. A stain can spoil a stay; a spillage can easily turn into a health hazard. > NEXT TO GODLINESS Keeping a clean house is an absolute must if you're to win and retain the custom that will enable your business to survive and thrive... THE HOTEL INSPECTOR 109 cleaning FINAL.indd 109 109 9/1/13 14:33:52

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Hotel Inspector 2013

Alex's welcome
News bulletin
Statement pieces
Series round up
Gym & Spas
Fine dining
Kitchen matters
Energy efficiency
Food management
Cooking equipment
Technology upgrade
App integration
Renewable energy
The Hospitality Show
Hospitality Technology Expo
Business supplies
Hotel management
Global clients
The 10 best hotels
AA interview
Hotels of the future

The Hotel Inspector 2013