The Hotel Inspector 2013 - (Page 9)

alex polizzi w WELCOME There is no avoiding the fact that we’re living in tough times – but it’s important to see this as an opportunity: to test all of our margins, to make sure we’re doing everything as well as we possibly can, to make sure we’re complying with everything we need to. Challenges like this are, in the long run, good for many of us and for the wider industry – because they sort the wheat from the chaff. The businesses that go under will be the businesses that aren’t properly prepared for all eventualities, and which aren’t very good on their customer service skills. People will always want to go to good places, and stay in good establishments. I believe that, in general, British guest accommodation is very, very good; and despite my work as the Hotel Inspector where occasionally I see the less-good side of things (but then in my experience there’s always room for improvement) in general, we British providers have a lot to be proud of – and our standards have risen exponentially. With hard work and intelligent business methods, I’m sure we can sustain this momentum through the hard times and into a more optimistic future. I look forward to all of you proving me right! ALEX POLIZZI FRONT COVER Image courtesy of Flemings Mayfair. Pictured is the Executive double bedroom in The Townhouse. THE HOTEL INSPECTOR 9 alex Foreword FINAL.indd 9 009 9/1/13 11:00:49

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of The Hotel Inspector 2013

Alex's welcome
News bulletin
Statement pieces
Series round up
Gym & Spas
Fine dining
Kitchen matters
Energy efficiency
Food management
Cooking equipment
Technology upgrade
App integration
Renewable energy
The Hospitality Show
Hospitality Technology Expo
Business supplies
Hotel management
Global clients
The 10 best hotels
AA interview
Hotels of the future

The Hotel Inspector 2013