Outsource Issue 22 - (Page 96)
This issue: View From The Top; puBLiC seCTor rouND-up; sourCiNG summiT & AwArDs reView
View From The Top
NOA Chairman Martyn Hart looks back on a fascinating year for the outsourcing space - and towards an exciting 2012
elcome to the NOA section of Outsource magazine’s winter edition. It’s been an eventful 12 months for all concerned in the outsourcing industry, and, as is the tradition at this time of year, the coming pages will be looking back at all the highs and lows of the most significant events of 2010. Overall, the year has been a successful one for outsourcing, as more and more organisations seek to maximise cost efficiencies in a bid to beat the effects of the recession. Perhaps, however, one of the main reasons outsourcing has received such a boost over the last 12 months is that businesses have begun to realise that they can use outsourcing not just as a means of reducing costs, but that it can also add real value to business processes by streamlining and augmenting existing business functions. This, in turn, has allowed organisations to reach higher levels of professionalism and perform at a higher level than could otherwise have been achieved in-house. Of course, the public sector cuts announced in October (discussed in more detail later on in these pages) have had a major impact, prompting a number of councils and government departments to turn towards outsourcing in order to meet their targets and objectives. We’ve seen councils taking a number of different approaches as a result, with Brighton & Hove City Council taking a step back to take a role as an ‘intelligent commissioner,’ providing only core services and
in ocTober have had a major impacT, prompTing a number of councils and governmenT deparTmenTs To Turn Towards ouTsourcing
The public secTor ❛cuTs announced
operations. We’ve also seen others emerge as new ‘super-councils’ with a number working collaboratively in order to provide shared services, and share knowledge and access to experts. But that’s not to say that it’s been all plain sailing for those with a vested interest in outsourcing in 2010. For instance, we’ve seen senior political figures in the USA looking at ways to protect the skill base of their workforce, with the state of Ohio
causing a great deal of outrage in India, in particular, by putting in place legislation to ban the use of offshore outsourcing providers. It’s been a similar story closer to home, with Prime Minister David Cameron suggesting an immigration cap which could have had far-reaching effects for the outsourcing industry in this country. Mr Cameron has since suggested that he will relax this stance, after listening to feedback from big businesses – an inevitable move perhaps, when you consider how dependent industries such as healthcare and IT are upon highly-skilled workers from abroad. Looking towards next year and beyond, it’s clear that outsourcing looks destined to keep growing, both onshore and offshore, as competitive pricing and high service levels keep on attracting further business. Indeed, 2011 could be the year that cloud computing really takes off, as traditionally outsourced services ranging from CRM to infrastructure and storage are delivered to end users through the use of cloud. Perhaps the biggest challenge faced by the sourcing community over the next 12 months will be keeping pace with the changes in the industry. The NOA will be using its steering committees, events, research and much more to help all those in sourcing meet these challenges headon, and keep everyone informed of the latest developments. As always, for more information on the NOA and its activities visit www.noa.co.uk or contact us at admin@noa.co.uk or +44 (0)20 7292 8686. Martyn Hart, Chairman, National Outsourcing Association (NOA)
To find out more about the NOA visit www.noa.co.uk
96 www.outsourcemagazine.co.uk
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Outsource Issue 22
Outsource Issue 22
Table of Contents
Shutting the Door?
Q&A: Deborah Kops
Editorial Board Roundtable
HR Trends
Long Live AMS!
The Provider Perspective
Platforms Make Sense in the Cloud!
NOA Pathway
Case Study: Kingâs College Hospital
Silver Lining
Roundtable Write-Up
Case Study: Nokia & Hyphen
Alan Leaman
Leah Cooper
Kay Formanek
Paul Awcock
News & Comment
The Legal View
NOA Roundup
Online Roundup
Letter to the CEO
Letters to the Editor
Inside Source
The Last Word
Outsource Issue 22