outsource issue 31 - (Page 111)
THE BACK END The Deal Doctor
Paul Morrison, Alsbridge
Paul Morrison is Partner and Head of BPO and Shared Services Practice at Alsbridge.
He has over 16 years’ consulting and sourcing advisory experience and is a former
director of the NOA.
Problems in the outsourcing area? Cold sweats and
nervous spasms? The Deal Doctor will see you now...
Innovate, schminnovate
“Innovation has been long
on promise but short on
results in our outsourcing
relationship. Why?”
Procurement Manager,
In these hard economic
times, innovation offers the
promise of new business value
in old and tired outsourcing
contracts. A better tool, a
tweaked process, a disruptive
technology – any number of
changes large or small may
result in cost-reduction, service
improvement or even better
business outcomes (happier
customers or better finances for
example). Chuck in a sensible
way of splitting the benefits
between supplier and client,
and innovation can brighten
even the dullest outsourcing
relationship. Easy.
That is the promise. The
reality of innovation is more
problematic. What do we mean
by innovation? How should it
be captured in the contract?
Who should lead? What is the
right formula for allocating
gainshare? And why is nothing
Two fundamental
misconceptions hamstring
thinking on these and other
innovation questions. Get
past these and you improve
your chances significantly.
Firstly, innovation is not a
one-size-fits-all phenomenon:
there are several distinct
modes of innovation in an
outsourcing context, ranging
from incremental continuous
improvements, project-byproject innovation, up to more
radical innovation. Each
requires different mechanisms,
skills and governance. Treat
innovation as just one lump,
and then any thinking innovation
will be blunted by vagueness
from the start.
Secondly, innovation does not
just happen by itself. Innovation
may start with a moment of
inspiration, but it can only be
delivered with the horsepower
of effort and investment. Good
ideas may be bubbling up
across your organisation, but
without dedicated time and
resourcing to promote, harvest
and implement new ideas, then
they will remain just that: ideas.
Transactional action
“We are being pressured
to introduce transactional
pricing for our Finance
BPO deal. Is this a good
idea?” Concerned Contract
Manager, Stockholm.
Transactional charging is
bread and butter for many
types of outsourcing such as
data centres, recruitment or
payroll. But others such as F&A
stubbornly cling to more “basic”
mechanisms, particularly
pricing based on FTEs.
The rationale for upgrading to
transactional pricing is clear. It
focusses on the units of output
that really matter, such as the
number of invoices or payments,
and helps to focus behaviour
within your organisation (to cut
back on excessive usage of a
particular service).
So transactional pricing can
give transparency and put
the spotlight on the volume of
service consumed. But there
are challenges. Firstly, defining
the transactional metrics in
sufficient detail can be very
complex. In the case of finance,
the idea of “charging by invoice”
is clear – but which invoice
types, and how the charge
should be allocated between
them (and what is a fair price to
pay) may be less clear.
Some processes are simply
not suited to transactional
pricing, and in the case of
Finance, whilst AP/P2P may be
a relatively easy candidate, all
organisations struggle when
it comes to pinning down R2R
for transactional pricing. A lot
here depends on the level and
quality of process, productivity
and volume information that is
available to both you and
your supplier.
Next, transactional pricing
may ultimately not provide more
relevant information than an FTE
model. If your Finance operation
is highly globalised and labourintensive, the most important
cost driver actually may be the
number of FTEs in each of your
key locations. If you lose sight
of this, a bland blended costper-unit may get in the way of
extracting other benefits, such as
labour arbitrage.
Transactional pricing offers
extra sophistication for many
outsourcing buyers. But pricing
is a complex, nuanced business.
Look before you leap!
If you’d like to submit a question for the Deal Doctor to diagnose, please email Paul at paul.morrison@alsbridge.eu
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Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of outsource issue 31
Upwardly Mobile
Keys to Driving Supply Chain Outsourcing Success
Biography of a Carve-Out
Culture and Values
Redefining the Law Firm Delivery Model
Sharing the Glory
Norn Ironman
Breaking the Outsourcing Conundrum
NOA Round-Up
Back from the Summit
Losing the Race Before You Put On Your Trainers
Innovate to Accelerate
Comparing Clouds
People Power
Making an Impact
Home or Away?
Dead and Buried?
So What Now?
The Legal View
Top Ten
NelsonHall Round-Up
Sourcing Sage
Online Round-Up
The Deal Doctor
Inside Source
The Last Word
outsource issue 31