AT Home with Dr Chris Steele - September 2011 - (Page 51)
| fighting fit|
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The UK has one of The highesT raTes of deaTh from hearT disease in The world. Knowing The sympToms coUld save yoUr life
Words: Georgina Maric | illustration: Getty Images
the heart is surrounded by three major coronary arteries that supply it with blood and oxygen. if a clot develops in one of these arteries, the blood supply to that part of the heart muscle will stop. this is a heart attack – in medical terms, a coronary thrombosis or myocardial infarction. Symptoms of a heart attack can include severe chest pain, sometimes >
hen it comes to heart health, there are some harsh facts to face: heart disease is the UK’s biggest killer; it kills three times more women as breast cancer; it kills one in three women. But this needn’t be the case. We address common conditions, how they can be avoided and if they do strike, how they can be treated, plus a look at the latest innovative treatments.
Heart attack
Condition: SEPTEMBER 2012 | 051
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of AT Home with Dr Chris Steele - September 2011