EM - February/March 2013 - (Page 13)
February/March 2013 www.esb.ie/em
Generation & Wholesale Markets
Safety Conference
THE FIRST Generation & Wholesale Market Safety Conference took place on 30th
January and was attended by 120 safety
leaders from across the business, along with
guests attendees from Corporate Centre
and ESBI.
Paddy Hayes, Executive Director,
G&WM, opened the conference with a
sombre reflection on the recent tragedies
that resulted in the deaths of two young
ESB Networks apprentices. Against this
backdrop, he urged all in attendance to take
personal responsibility for ensuring their
own safety and that acting as safety leaders, setting and living the safety standards
that inspire all who work in our business to
deliver on.
Generation and Asset Development
businesses then presented on the safety
outcomes for 2012 and the significant challenges ahead for 2013.
Mark Lawlor and Fiona Kennedy outlined the road map for the 4You behavioural
safety programme and introduced the
workshops on 4You, which included; Managing Change in the context of 4You, Dynamic Assessment (NUT) and structured
safety conversations.
Four separate workshop streams participated in two separate workshop topics.
In the afternoon the conference agenda
moved onto the second significant theme
of the day, the Process Safety Project. Brian
McAleer, Project Manager, presented on
the scope of the project and the project road
map and work plan.
Paddy Hayes later announced the Merit
Award winners for the second half of 2012
Harry Doherty and Padraic Dooley, both
Erne Stations with Brian O’Mahony, Chief
Civil Engineer (centre) at the G&WM Safety
Allenwood Enterprise Centre renamed in honour of the
late Michael Fitzpatrick
Nadine Rooney,
who recently left
ESB, attended the
conference to recount
a personal story of
how the safety training
she received in ESB
benefitted her family in
a profound way.
- Aghada and Moneypoint stations with the
overall Safety Award for 2012 awarded to
Moneypoint. Their submission was based
on the work undertaken with contractor
companies and their staff to achieve continuous improvement and create an environment where all persons can work safely
and carry out quality work to a very high
Mick O’Mahony, Manager Asset Development then chaired the 4You Workshop
feedback and discussion, and the day was
brought to a close by Nicholas Tarrant,
Manager Generation.
If you wish to obtain a copy of any of the presentations
please contact brian.gray@esb.ie
site. Through Michael’s
tremendous efforts with
together just before Christmas to honour
the local community and
the memory of the TD and long serving
ESB, the site became
Councillor, Michael Fitzpatrick, who died
home to the Allenwood
in October 2011. A native of Cootehill,
Maureen Fitzpatrick pictured with her son Darragh at the
Enterprise Centre
Michael had made Allenwood his home
unveiling of the plaque to rename the Centre in honour of
operated by ACDAL,
for many years and it was while he was
her late husband, Michael Fitzpatrick TD.
the local comon Garda duty in Robertstown
munity based
that he met his wife Maureen,
organisation set up in 1994
of Michael due to motor neurone disease,
then working in Allenwood
to promote job creation. By
the community came together with
Power Station. Maureen
encouraging small business
Manager Tom Quinn, to discuss a lasting
was to go on to spend all
incubation it operates as the
memorial to Michael in gratitude for his
her working life in the
conduit for the generation of
years of commitment, driving force and efMidland Stations.
employment in the area. The
forts on behalf of the people of Allenwood.
Michael was working as
Enterprise Centre and Industrial
The Centre has now been renamed ‘The
a Personal Assistant to Charlie
Nicholas Tarrant,
Park now hosts 17 companies,
Michael Fitzpatrick Enterprise Centre’ and
McCreevy, who was Minister
employing 105 staff directly,
was announced at an event which was atfor Finance, when the closure of
supporting many more jobs inditended by his wife Maureen, son Darragh,
Allenwood Station took place
ESB chats
to Maureen
rectly and is the largest employer former Minister Charlie McCreevy, local
in 1992 and was fully involved
Fitzpatrick after
in the area.
representatives and groups and members
when the negotiations with ESB
the event.
Following the untimely death
of the wider community.
took place on the future of the
Letters from Japan
There was heavy snowfall on the day of
our visit, lending an additional magic to
the already other-worldly surroundings.
Especially atmospheric was the cemetery, where graves and monuments
from many centuries are nestled among
mature trees.
Paddy Hayes, Executive Director G&WM
opened the Safety Conference with his
2013 Safety Message. This was followed
by presentations from Jim Corcoran,
Production Safety Specialist (left) and
Michael O’Grady, H&S Manager, Asset
Development (right).
Paddy Hayes presenting staff of
Moneypoint Station with their award
as Overall Winners of the G&WM 2012
Safety Awards. Pictured (l-r): Frank
Moran, Martin Hehir, Tomas Flaherty,
Brendan Kennedy, Station Manager;
Sean Price, Mick Hogan, Aodhan
McAleer, Paddy Hayes, Christy Creevey,
Mick Edwards-Murphy and Sean Rynne.
One of the most interesting places we have
visited in Japan is the monastic settlement of
Koya-san, a remote mountain fastness that
is home to dozens of temples and monasteries, and thousands of monks. Tourists and
day-trippers (like us) arrive by cable car, and
those who choose to stay overnight (unlike
us) can experience the ascetic simplicity and
tranquillity of monastic life.
Frank Nolan
IT WAS with deep regret and shock that we
learned of the sudden passing of our friend
and colleague Frank Nolan. Every one who
saw Frank saw a big man but everyone who
knew Frank knew an even bigger man. Loving husband to
Marie, proud father of Ben and Ruth.
Every individual and organisation involved with Frank
was the better for his involvement. Frank had ability and
‘common sense’. If you had a problem no matter what it
was, Frank was the person to contact.
Moneypoint is certainly a better place because of his
drive, his ideas and his ability to make improvements and
get things done. Admired and respected by all those he
dealt with - staff, contractors and suppliers.
Kilrush Rugby Club benefited from Frank’s passion for
rugby. He designed, built and installed the new showers.
His time, effort and dedication to the grounds and to the
membership was outstanding.
Frank’s other passion was motorcycles, something he
was both happy and scared he had passed on to Ruth. He
was extremely proud when Ben headed off to NUI Galway.
He had a great sense of humour, loved a joke or a prank
and saw the funny side of most things. Frank was also courageous, both of word and of deed, he would never shy
away from saying what needed to be said nor doing what
needed to be done.
He was a man of honesty and integrity and a friend to
many. Listening to people speak about Frank and the outpouring of grief shows how much he meant to so many
people.We say farewell Frank knowing the world will be a
smaller place without you. May you rest in peace.
The end of the year saw general elections in Japan, the defeat of the ruling Democratic Party, and the return
to power of the Liberal Democratic
Party under Prime Minister Abe. As
the new PM is considered to be more
favourably disposed to nuclear power than his predecessor, the change
of government may bring about a
change in energy policy.
New Year
On New Year’s Eve, we
visited a nearby temple
called Shitennoji, which
is the oldest temple in
the whole of Japan. At
midnight on New Year’s
Eve, the great bell is struck 108 times.
On New Year’s Day, there is a special traditional meal called o-sechi, which consists
of many different delicacies, all beautifully
presented in a set of wooden boxes.
Another important event is the first visit
to the shrine after New Year. Visitors can
“draw lots” to learn their fortune for the
year, which is written on a piece of paper
similar to what you would find inside a
fortune cookie. Those who receive bad
fortunes leave them tied to a tree inside the
shrine, in the hope of leaving the bad fortune behind. With some trepidation I drew
a lot, and was delighted when I unrolled my
fortune and it said “Daikichi” – the best
possible fortune.
Thankful Appreciation
Frank’s wife Marie, son Ben, daughter Ruth, mother Bridget,
sisters Geraldine and Catherine and extended family would
like to thank everyone from around the country who travelled
to Frank’s funeral in November. Many thanks also to those
who phoned, sent cards, letters and flowers.
To the management and staff of ESB Moneypoint, we will
never forget your goodness and kindness to us throughout this
very sad time.
We were overwhelmed by the expression of sympathy and
support we have received from you all and we wish to express
our sincere appreciation.
Through Frank’s life and work, he obviously touched the lives
of an enormous number of people across the country. We hope
that his memory will live on in the hearts of you all who knew
and appreciated him during his all too short time with us.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of EM - February/March 2013
EM - February/March 2013
Generation & Wholesale Markets
BSC & Electric Ireland
ESB Networks Ltd
Health & Habitat
EM - February/March 2013