Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8 - 4
News aNd developmeNts from across the compaNy
Innovation - Helping Shape Our Future
It is well established that investment in developing new products and markets through innovation/Npd provides opportunities for businesses in turbulent times. collaborating with all of the operational business units is central to developing innovation that is clearly aligned with Bord na móna’s vision. to this end, the innovation team are collaborating on a diverse group of projects across the organisation, such as sourcing clean wood for feedstock/powergen; generating a fully water proof biomass alternative to peat briquettes; finding novel ways of dealing with difficult waste types in the resource recovery business; processing waste from agricultural sources to use as a green diluent for horticultural products (which overcomes the ‘issues’ associated with importing other diluents); and developing new products for the environmental market such as a novel wastewater treatment system as a potential replacement to the very effective but ageing puraflo technology. another project which was recently initiated on behalf of the environmental business (anua) involves a unit that recycles grey wastewater from domestic and commercial premises for reuse. ‘a pilot system was successfully demonstrated in the washroom near the canteen in Newbridge and we are now embarking on a six month ‘market acceptance’ study aimed at determining the market in the UK and Ireland and also any technical measures associated with its full compliance with UK regulations. another interesting project includes the development of a honey product on cutaway peatlands. yes you read correctly!! for more details on the honey project, check out the project section of this magazine, page 20.
(l to r) Hugh Henry, Mike Hayes and Alan Quinlan
WatEr Supply projEct – phaSE 2 StatEmEnt rElEaSEd
after a thorough, strategic, environmental assessment, a preferred solution to the issue of water shortages has been recommended. this solution will incorporate an interim storage facility that will enable abstraction from the new source to be regulated in proportion to river flow rate. the dublin region (water supply area) will require a new source of water supply within the next ten years in order to meet projected growth in water demand due to forecasted population increases and economic growth. this new source is required in conjunction with maximising supplies from existing sources and optimising water savings through leakage management and conservation activities. read the latest statement on the plan and the strategic environmental assessment (phase 2) on the dublin city council website.
Bord na Móna giving enterprise in Ireland a lift
Bord na móna are giving business start-ups a much-needed helping hand by sponsoring the enterprise evolution programme (eep). this entrepreneur coaching programme, targeted at unemployed professionals, took place in tallaght It recently. the winning project from the programme was from “the I-ses team” which is proposing to establish an international student enrolment business in the Institute of technology sector. the presentation of the award by Bord na móna staff took place in august when Ireland and munster rugby player, alan Quinlan, delivered a motivational speech. Bord na móna received much positive media coverage for its involvement in the programme. the programme had been formally launched by minister pat rabbitte td in early august.
Attention, Energy Savers
Under the chairmanship of tom egan, (edenderry power station) the Bord na móna ‘energy savers working Group’ has commenced. meeting once a month, the group will be assessing, reviewing and progressing the energy efficiency agenda across Bord na móna. to contact the working group directly please talk to tom Quinn or any other representative. The contacts for your area’s representatives are: consumer, distribution - Mick Gillen powerGen - Richard Neale It - Fran Walsh
Innovation - Adele Woods and Barry Hooper Feedstock - Enda McDonagh procurement - Sharon Byrne anua - TBA communications - Paddy Rowland hr - Kevin Harte resource recovery - Garret Leech land & property - Pat Ring Engineering Services - Sean O’Donoghue
4 | Source Winter 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8
Table of Contents
Business Round-up
King of the Bogs
New Divisions
Going Digital
Water, Water Everywhere
Focused Growth
Change is Afoot
Cool Running
Project Update
Heritage Corner
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8