Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8 - (Page 14)
ResouRce RecoveRy is opeRating in a highly challenging waste industRy
acquisition of this contract. equally, great strides have been made in wexford and limerick, where targeted sales campaigns were held along existing routes. “our domestic customer base relies on route density – more customers on each route – and we have used our RFid and gps (global positioning system) technology to infill those routes with new customers.” the domestic customer base has doubled in a short timespan, with 3,000 customers ahead of target at end-august. Better use of technology has also helped to streamline processes. a new feature of allows existing customers to manage their own accounts online, view invoices and statements, sign up to email or text alerts, and view their collection history in real time. phase two will enable new customers to sign up online and phase three will introduce interactive elements such as allowing customers to compare and contrast their recycling rates with others. on the commercial front, new customers include Bus eireann, pfizer and vistakon ireland. “we have a new customer retention strategy coming into play for domestic customers in January,” said emer. “For commercial customers, a number of people have moved from sales to account management to develop solutions around those customers’ needs.” customers’ needs also include the provision of a brown bin, an initiative which helps Bord na Móna to divert waste from landfill and set it apart from its competitors. in the company’s 350,000 tonne facility at drehid, co. Kildare, Resource Recovery is working to balance its incoming volumes and increase landfill diversion. “we want to increase source segregation so that the waste comes in to us in a manner where it can be treated, reducing the amount of commercial and domestic waste going to landfill. and we’re ahead of target on that, which is a key milestone in reaching our strategic objective of diverting 80% of waste from landfill.” a key motivator in this is the government’s increase of the landfill levy. it increased from €30 per tonne to €50 per tonne in september and
etween intense competition and landfill levies, these are challenging times for Resource Recovery, yet it is ahead of its domestic customer target in the current year. “overall, margins have been heavily hit through intense competitor activity in every area we operate in and there are a large number of competitors,” said emer Moran, interim head of Resource Recovery. whilst the overall industry has not consolidated as much as anticipated, some local authorities have exited the field. “Resource Recovery acquired the waste collection routes of Kildare county council in august – that’s 18,000 additional customers on our existing collection network. eight chipping teams have been out putting RFid (radio frequency identification) chips on those bins, so that will enable us to combine the aes and Kildare county council routes and get greater efficiency out of those routes.” the addition of Ken Byrne, domestic business development manager, was critical to the smooth
14 | Source Winter 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8
Table of Contents
Business Round-up
King of the Bogs
New Divisions
Going Digital
Water, Water Everywhere
Focused Growth
Change is Afoot
Cool Running
Project Update
Heritage Corner
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8