Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8 - (Page 20)

Project uPdate HeatHer Honey from bogs T he Land & Property business unit, in conjunction with the Innovation centre, is looking to future uses of rehabilitated peatland. One of the projects underway is an investigation into the productivity of bee hives on selected Bord na Móna lands for the production of honey. Bord na Móna, in conjunction with a local company, has set up trial hives in a remote location at Bellacorick, Co. Mayo. The goal of the trial is to establish honey yields/quality as well as examine the types of honey produced from the flowering plants in that area. One of the plants of interest is Ling heather as Ling heather honey is regarded as a speciality honey. Testing of the honey produced against the required EU standards will be carried out at the end of this season and throughout the coming season in 2012. It is hoped that the commercial potential will be assessed by the end of the 2012 season. Procurement Policy sent to emPloyees A sUMMAry Of ThE COMPAny PrOCUrEMEnT POLICy hAs rECEnTLy BEEn sEnT TO ThOsE EMPLOyEEs wITh POTEnTIAL InvOLvEMEnT In COMMErCIAL dIsCUssIOns wITh sUPPLIErs CLEAnInG UP UnAUThOrIsEd LAndfILLs T his useful guide uses a traffic-light system to advise how to proceed with particular requirements. Contact needs to be made with any member of the group procurement team once a spend in excess of €5,000 is planned, which is not a drawdown from an existing contract. This contact should happen in advance of any supplier discussions and an appropriate procurement strategy will be agreed. The full policy is available on the intranet, and anyone involved in interaction with suppliers should read and become familiar with it. Bord na Móna is subject to Government guidelines for its entire procurement activity, as well as European directives for some particular business areas and all of these have been fully considered in the policy. The job of the procurement team is primarily to add value to our businesses through the use of appropriate procurement strategies. In doing so, it is important to ensure that we are fully compliant with shareholder and regulatory requirements in an environment that is becoming increasingly litigious. If anyone has any questions regarding policy application, please contact any team member. Contact details are in the summary document and on the intranet. As the state’s second-largest land holder, Bord na Móna has unauthorised landfills to contend with. from a corporate social responsibility perspective, Bord na Móna does the right thing and works to clean up these sites to the highest standard. To date, a site at Ballymorris, near Portarlington in Co. Laois was successfully cleaned up. This site, a former quarry, came to Bord na Móna’s ownership as part of the resource recovery acquisition. Through a consultation process, Bord na Móna worked closely with the local community to provide information and reassurance about the restoration. As a result, we received positive feedback and developed good relations with original objectors to the proposals. The clean-up entailed the removal of some 30,000 tonnes of waste. The project saw close collaboration between various departments, in particular Procurement, Legal and resource recovery, which worked together to appoint and manage a specialist contractor. A second clean up at a site in Timahoe, Co. Laois will be complete by december. Although not without its complications, this project is less complex than Ballymorris, as waste is mainly on the surface with little digging to be undertaken. 20 | Source Winter 2011

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8

Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8
Table of Contents
Business Round-up
King of the Bogs
New Divisions
Going Digital
Water, Water Everywhere
Focused Growth
Change is Afoot
Cool Running
Project Update
Heritage Corner

Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8