Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8 - (Page 10)
Liz Murphy delivering our new customer services model
Horticulture and Fuels Have been restructured in a customer-centric approacH via tHree new business units, all designed to serve customers better
customer driven
uels and Horticulture have been restructured in a move designed to maximise the customer’s interaction with bord na móna. they have been replaced by three new operating business units (obu), to deliver on the strategic growth ambitions. the new structure comprises two customerfacing commercial units – consumer obu and distribution obu – supported by supply chain obu. the units are led by gabriel d’arcy (consumer, interim role), John Keogh (distribution), and John corcoran (supply chain, interim role). the consumer and distribution business units are responsible for sales, while supply chain is responsible for making and delivering the products that the customer wants and delivering it to them when they want. the objective is to become more customer-oriented and to sustain and grow this business in the coming years. consumer and distribution have taken on responsibility for different customer categories. the consumer obu customers are typically those whose purchasing is done centrally, with decisions made at board room level, with central warehousing, central billing and
requiring large volumes of merchandise. these customers include grocery multiples (e.g. tesco, dunnes stores), symbol groups (e.g. spar), diY groups (e.g. woodies and b&Q), wholesale cash and carry (e.g. musgraves). distribution obu customer profile is different as sales are negotiated at local level and relationships between bord na móna sales staff and customers are key to decision making. these include, bell men, fuel merchants, independent garden centres, hardware buying groups, wholesalers, co-ops and professional sales. Formed from the combination of the operations, customer service and telesales teams of Fuels and Horticluture, the supply chain organisation is charged with providing competitive product and process solutions to the consumer and distribution business units that minimises cost and maximises service performance to their end-customers. this encompasses every activity from planning to order management to manufacturing/ procurement and logistics to ensure the product arrives at point of use on time, in full with no errors at the lowest possible cost. restructuring has the added benefit of cutting out duplication in the previous
horticulture/fuels model. we are now moving to a ‘single customer focus’. “the goal should be that customers get one statement from bord na móna outlining all the product purchases on it, rather than two statements from Fuels and Horticulture,” said michael coleman, commercial manager in distribution. in his new role, michael sells into fuel merchants, independent garden centres, hardware buying groups and co-ops with the aim of extracting the maximum amount of business from our fuels and horticultural portfolios. at the field level, “it’s about the requirements of the customer and how we serve them best,” said michael, “so that’s exciting.” the consumer business is focused on growth in the major retail sector in both ireland and the uK. James spillane is responsible for development of retail business in ireland and continues to be responsible for the b&Q business, our single largest retail customer. tommy gill has been appointed as commercial manager for the uK to drive growth through the development of a new customer base across our horticultural and fuel products. part of the ambition is to supplement our existing product range with new product initiatives over the coming years.
10 | Source Winter 2011
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8
Table of Contents
Business Round-up
King of the Bogs
New Divisions
Going Digital
Water, Water Everywhere
Focused Growth
Change is Afoot
Cool Running
Project Update
Heritage Corner
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 8