Bord na Móna - Source Issue 10 - (Page 18)

Q Q What is your role in Bord na Móna? I’m a supervisor, a team leader of an autonomous enterprise unit, on the horticulture bog at Allen Umeras. The other guys in my team are Seamus Egan, Kevin Scully, Dinny Raleigh and Eugene Connolly plus a number of seasonal employees join us each year. What does your job entail? WHEn A vET RECommEnDED THAT HIS gREYHoUnD BE pUT DoWn, AnTHonY o’gRADY THoUgHT DIffEREnT. noW, HIS CHAmpIon gREYHoUnD HAS REpAID All THoSE EARlY moRnIng TRAInIng WAlKS WITH A ClASSIC WIn We collect horticulture peat for export to Holland. We haul out the peat as well as harvest it – we’d be known as a harvest-haul group. We work all year round here; we’re just after getting one round in production. It’s great when we get good weather because while there’s light in the sky, we could work 12 hours and more. You do what you have to do. All we want is a good year! Q Where else in Bord na Móna have you worked? I started in Croghan briquette factory in 1977 and was there for 23 years. I started as a forklift driver, before moving into the factory and then finished up as a pressman making the briquettes. The factory closed in 2000 and I came out to Ballydermot bog, Co. Kildare, as a supervisor. Then, two years later, I moved here to Allen Umeras. A dog’s LIFE 18 | Source Summer 2012

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bord na Móna - Source Issue 10

Bord na Móna - Source Issue 10
A round-up of news from around the company
Community Values
Looking Ahead with Confidence
From Waste to Compost
Saving Energy
Building Commitment
At the Coal Face
Annual Report Results
A Dog's Life
Updates on important developments and projects
Heritage Corner
A nationwide spotlight on special occasions, events and achievements across the company

Bord na Móna - Source Issue 10