Conservation Champions
Mohammed Al Naki
Fondation Salvia
Kasia and Julien Barbotin-Larrieu
Christian Lüthi
Lennart Blecher and family
HRH Prince Robert of Luxembourg
Kevin Click and family
Patrick Odier
Renaud de Planta
Maria Reig Moles
Ernest Kleinwort Charitable Trust
Irene Reynolds Schier
Patrick and Valentine Firmenich
Magnus Roth
Sophie Firmenich
Size of Wales
First Names (Jersey) Limited -
Trustee of the Net Trust
Stichting Gillès
Fondation Audemars Piguet
Fondation Cordama
Fondation Indosuez en Suisse
The Hugh Symons Charitable Trust
The Ingram Trust
The Waterloo Foundation
Utermann Charitable Trust
Conservation Partners
Moiz Benkohen
Pierre-André Maus
Brown + Hudson
Pierre Mirabaud
Robert de Balkany
The family of Jade Peduzzi
Muriel and Manoël Dekeyser
Michael & Rachel Rudge
Fondation de bienfaisance du groupe Pictet
The Thistledown Trust
Quincy and Carolyn Hunsicker
The Tolkien Trust
Richard M. Ivey
Victoria Park Charitable Trust
Alicia Koplowitz Romero de Juseu
Von Duhn Stiftung
Joerg Liebing
WWF Switzerland Leaders for Nature
Manotel Hotel Group
Thank you also to the members of The 1001: A Nature Trust for their loyalty and support, all other
donors who support our Campaign for a Living Planet and all those who prefer to remain anonymous.
Finally, we would like to thank all those who have pledged to support WWF through their will, leaving
a legacy for future generations.
Campaign for a Living Planet Steering Committee
André Hoffmann
Philippe Bertherat
Kristian Parker
Alejandra Moore Mayorga
Guillaume Taylor
WWF-INT Annual Review 2015 page 40
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Annual Review 2015