ISSN 2051-4158 JCU Volume 17 Issue 3 May 2024 Journal of Clinical Urology Formerly British Journal of Medical and Surgical Urology An official publication of The British Association of Urological Surgeons Editor: Bhaskar Somani Highlights include: * Are single-use flexible cystoscopes environmentally sustainable?A lifecycle analysis * Tertiary experience of managing young bladder cancer patients * Novel electrode design reduces sensory threshold current drift during peripheral nerve evaluation in patients considered for sacral nerve stimulation * Predictors of reoperation after transurethral resection of the prostate in a diverse, urban academic centre * Adopting low dose CT in evaluating renal calculi-progress from 2008-18 in a large UK tertiary hospital * The 'Emergency Stone Clinic' - improving patient care: A collaborative, hospital-based quality improvement project * Antimicrobial resistance profiles for bacteria isolated from rectal swabs in patients candidate for prostate biopsy * Anticoagulant but not antiplatelet use is associated with haematuria complications after bladder outflow surgery * A ten-year observational study of the use of two-way catheters post-transurethral resection of the prostate without the use of post-op irrigation * Can multi-parametric magnetic resonance imaging and prostate-specific antigen density accurately stratify patients prior to prostate biopsy?