WWF Annual Review 2022 - 33

Some of the world's most
biodiverse tropical forests
will be protected in perpetuity
thanks to Heritage Colombia,
a WWF-backed Project
Finance for Permanence
initiative launched with the
Colombian government.
Working with a wide range of
partners, we've helped secure
US$245 million of public and
private finance to safeguard
32 million hectares of iconic
landscapes and seascapes in
the country. Heritage Colombia
locks in a regional cluster of
similar initiatives that,
together, provide permanent
protection for approximately
12% of the entire Amazon
A stunning mural on
the streets of Brussels,
supporting the WWFled
campaign for a strong EU
deforestation law
Colombia is home to 10% of
the world's biodiversity, living
in forests and other
wildernesses. These are vital
havens for wildlife but they
also benefit people in Colombia
and around the world -
providing everything from fresh
water, food and livelihoods to
supporting global efforts to
tackle the climate crisis.
than 1.2 million citizens
in the European Union
(EU) to call for a strong EU
deforestation law. The new
law, which will no longer
allow products linked to
the destruction of forests
onto the EU market, sets
an influential precedent
for other markets.
We work with a huge range of partners who share our goal of healthy forests for a healthy
future for all - from working with governments to strengthen and create new protected areas
and restore forest landscapes to securing funding from foundations like the Bezos Earth
Fund. Five new participants joined or expanded their support in our business-focused Forests
Forward programme this year, including a new five-year partnership with SIG, one of the
top packaging companies in the world, to restore and improve management of thousands of
hectares of forests. Crucially, we also work closely with Indigenous Peoples' federations such
as COICA (Coordinator of Indigenous Organizations of the Amazon River Basin) to ensure
decisions on forest conservation take into account their voices and perspectives.
Planting seedlings
in the Malaysian state
of Sabah, Borneo.
© Carlos Alberto
https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/securing-sustainable-financing-for-conservation-areas https://www.worldwildlife.org/publications/securing-sustainable-financing-for-conservation-areas http://wwf.panda.org/forests https://forestsforward.panda.org/newsroom/?uNewsID=7775741

WWF Annual Review 2022

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of WWF Annual Review 2022

WWF Annual Review 2022 - Cover1
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