VOICE INTERACTION THE AUTOMATIC CLOSED CAPTION COMPANY WHY AUDIMUS.MEDIA AUDIMUS MEDIA OUR A.I. DRIVEN PLATFORM MAKES LIVE CAPTIONING ACCESSIBLE ACCURATE & AUDIMUS.MEDIA is VoiceInteraction's A.I. driven automatic closed captioning platform. Based on proprietary technology, this software comprises state-of-the-art Signal Processing supported by Deep Neural Networks and Machine Learning algorithms. Simply put, AUDIMUS.MEDIA is a daily updated platform that provides the combined value of minimizing delivery delays, whilst maintaining one of the highest accuracy rates for caption production. Live Captioning Live Translation High Accuracy Results Complies with CC Regulations Cost-Effective Solution On-Premises Solution Multiple Languages Proprietary Technology Multiple Speakers Encode CC into Video Repurpose CC to VOD Regional Models Daily Vocabulary Updates A SOLID SOLUTION ON THE MARKET More than 150 television and cable news stations in the U.S. have decided that AUDIMUS. MEDIA is the ultimate solution for automatic Closed Captions, during live Broadcasts. A SINGLE LIFETIME LICENCE FOR UNLIMITED CAPTIONING PRODUCTIVITY VoiceInteraction EUROPE VoiceInteraction BRAZIL www.voiceinteraction.ai VoiceInteraction USA info@voiceinteraction.tv VoiceInteraction ASIAhttps://www.voiceinteraction.ai http://www.voiceinteraction.ai