CONTENTS 40 26 UPFRONT 3 KARREN BRADY'S FOREWORD Meet this issue's guest editor 7 EDITOR'S LETTER Welcome to our new edition 14 NEWS The latest on the employment sector, including the top companies to work for, according to their employees 18 THE BRADY HUNCH Karren Brady shares her thoughts on the pandemic and its effects on business, applying for jobs during a crisis and the importance of putting in the hours to achieve your dreams TIPS & ADVICE 26 COUNTDOWN TO JOB HUNTING SUCCESS 86 The 10 essential steps you should take to help find your dream role 30 APPLY SOME PRESSURE Perfect your CV to make an unforgettable first impression on potential employers 32 MEETING OF MINDS Got an interview? Here Karren Brady shares some advice on getting it right 36 ACQUIRE THE SKILLS How an apprenticeship can allow you to train and earn at the same time 40 A DEGREE OF SUCCESS What graduate schemes offer uni leavers 46 LIFE AFTER LOCKDOWN What the post-pandemic future offers for employees and jobseekers in the UK 260 YOU'RE THE BOSS Want to work for yourself? Discover the pros and cons, plus a look at what franchises have to offer 262 THE SECRETS OF KARREN'S SUCCESS Five rules to help you reach the top 70 264 A FINAL WORD Karren shares her favourite things JOBS & CAREERS /// 9 8 JC Spring 2020 Contents FINAL.indd 9 26/05/2020 22:36