J + C A D V E R T I S E M E N T F E AT U R E A great place to teach NCG, one of the largest teaching and learning communities in the UK, is passionate about inspiring and encouraging learners W ith seven colleges, NCG is one of the largest not-forprofit education groups in the UK. We help connect learners and employers on their journey to success. It is our mission to enable social mobility and economic prosperity through exceptional education. And we believe JC Spring 2020 NCG F1.indd 44 that if our teachers are the best they can be, our learners and apprentices will be the best they can be too. We want NCG to be a great place to learn and that starts with being a great place to teach. Who we are NCG is a family of colleges (see panel, right) working across the further and higher education sections. We are the first FE provider in the UK able to award our own honours and master's Our values We value and empower our people by: * Being both inclusive and diverse * Trusting and respecting our communities * Taking ownership while working collaboratively * Inspiring excellence and curiosity 18/05/2020 17:42