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Rule 3
Be ambitious
Rule 4
Be brave
"Ambition" can be a bit of a dirty word. People think there's a fine line
between being ambitious and being ruthless. I don't. I think if you're
ambitious you have to embrace that.
Most successful people like a challenge. Ambition is simply the spark
that drives you to be a success and keep being one.
Competitiveness is part of ambition and is an area that can be a
problem for some women. They think, "If I'm competitive that means
I'm ruthless, that I'll walk on people." But being competitive is a great
talent - it is about the ability to push yourself because you want to be a
winner. Women have to tell themselves there is nothing wrong with that.
Embrace your competitiveness!
Courage is crucial if you are
going to get anything off the
ground. You have to take some
risks and you need to be able to
make some tough decisions.
I am naturally brave but courage
is something you can cultivate too.
You achieve some success, so you
realise you can make good decisions
and so you take another decision and
another one. And as a result, your
courage to take those risks grows.
If the prospect scares you,
remember that you can start small.
Nobody ever started anything
without taking a risk, it's true, but it
doesn't have to mean remortgaging
your house - that is not the sort of
risk I would recommend taking.
Very often it is a risk with yourself
and your time. You will never
know the outcome of anything
unless you take the first step.
The best leaders aren't afraid to listen,
and get excited when they meet
people who are better than them
Photography: Ian Harrison
Rule 5
Learn to
If you have a family and a career,
you need to learn about efficiency
- and fast. You have to be able to
get your work done and get out of
the office, but you are competing
against men whose hours can
stretch into the evening.
Organisation is the key.
When I'm in the office, I work
relentlessly. I don't surf the
internet, I don't chat - I do what
needs to be done because I know
that, when it is done, I can go
home. Deal with things as they
come up. If someone emails
wanting an answer, it's much
quicker to read it, answer it and
move on to the next thing than
park it, and then think, "Oh, I've
got to go back and do that."
A final thought
Success means different things to different
people, and everyone has a different measure
of success. But whatever success means to
you, there are always three cornerstones to
achieving it: planning, process and strategy.
Ask yourself high-quality questions. What
is it you actually want? What is it you want to
achieve? Then think about what has stopped
you in the past. Why didn't I? What stopped
me? Why didn't I achieve it? Decide what you
want, decide what you're willing to exchange
for it, set your goals and go to work.
Taken from Karren
Brady's 10 Rules for
Success, available for
Kindle from Amazon
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Jobs and Careers Spring 2020
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Jobs and Careers Spring 2020
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 1
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 2
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 3
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 4
Jobs and Careers Spring 2020 - 5
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