T H E SE C R E T S OF K A R R E N ' S SUCC E S S Karren Brady shares her tips on how to make it in whatever career you choose Rule 1 Work hard Rule 2 Believe in yourself Success is about the relentless pursuit of what you want. Before you even start, you need to accept that hard work is going to be a vital ingredient. A lot of people don't want to recognise that because it's hard and it's work. They just want a get-rich-quick scheme. They don't realise the path to success starts with the understanding that you'll require dedication to what you want to achieve. You'll sacrifice your spare time - you won't have a hobby and probably not much of a social life. But you have to remember that the first step toward success is always hard work. This takes self-discipline and energy - you won't meet anyone successful who doesn't have both. Confidence expresses itself as energy, being able to articulate your thoughts, having an opinion and being a good listener. But there's a fine line between enthusiasm and delusion - lots of people are confident but can't deliver. To lead a team, you need confidence. Some people are scared to take on a managerial role because they think they need to be able to do every aspect of the work. But what sets you apart as a leader is how you behave when you don't know what to do. The best leaders aren't afraid to listen, and get excited when they meet people who are better than them. That's because they are confident in their own ability. 262 /// JOBS & CAREERS 262 JC Spring 2020 KB QA FINAL.indd 262 26/05/2020 22:33