J + C A D V E R T I S E M E N T F E AT U R E "Every day I can make a difference" Samantha Berger is a student nurse "I'm a student nurse combining study while also working at Priory. I joined Priory as a healthcare assistant and took up the opportunity to start a nursing degree because Priory offered to pay for it - it was too good to turn down! I was also really encouraged to apply for the course by my manager, who said I would make a great mental health nurse. "I'm loving the course - I get to visit different Priory sites and explore the different types of services they provide, which is really interesting. I also take back lots of new knowledge when I return to work. What I love most about nursing - and it may sound like a cliché - is that every day I can make a difference to someone's life, be it a small or large thing. "I'm really thankful to have been given this opportunity to study for free while also working and getting paid - not everyone gets that chance. I have almost finished my course and can't wait to start the next chapter of being a registered mental health nurse at Priory." Have you considered a career in mental health? One in four people in the UK will experience a mental health problem. The nursing heroes at Priory work hard to make a difference and assist patients with their recovery. Here we speak to two Priory nurses at different stages of their careers to find out more about what working in mental health nursing is like, their proudest moments and how Priory supports their development. If you're inspired to make a difference too, why not join the team? Priory can support you with formal qualifications for a fulfilling and rewarding career... JC Spring 2020 Priory Group F.indd 152 18/05/2020 21:13