YO U R B U S I N E S S _ P R O M OT I O N R&D tax relief and you It was once claimed most people seek tax advice from "a mate down the pub". If your mate told you about research and development tax relief, we hope you were listening! What is R&D tax relief and how can it help me? The R&D tax relief scheme offers financial support to companies that work on interesting projects with an element of scientific or technological advance. It's a corporation tax relief that can reduce your business's tax bill or, in the event of a loss, generate a repayable R&D tax credit. The financial support offered by the scheme varies depending on the size of the business and the specifics of the project in question. The small company scheme rewards a company with a 26% saving on R&D costs incurred up to 31 March 2017 and 24.7% after that. A loss-making company would be able to generate an R&D tax credit of up to 33.35% of the costs. The amount of R&D tax relief claims made by businesses has been increasing every year. The total value of R&D tax relief claims since the