Business courses Give yourself the practical knowledge to enable your enterprise to thrive W hether you have started your venture or have plans in the pipeline, getting the right business education should be on your to-do list. A formal course will allow you to learn from the experts and go on to implement your newly acquired strategies in the everyday structure of your company, putting valuable theory into realistic practice. "Economic conditions mean that today's business environment is more competitive than ever, and we need people with the right skills to stay ahead of the widening productivity gap," says James Caan. "If we succeed, the prize is worth more than £109bn to the UK economy by 2020. It will also make a real difference to both the careers and lives of millions of people as well as to UK plc." Whatever stage you and your business have reached, there's an education path out there to suit. If you're worried about how you can juggle the demands of running a business with taking a course, for example, distance learning could be the answer. Thanks to the web, distance learning allows for maximum flexibility so you can fit studying into your life. Many business courses are also available part-time if that suits you. Read on to discover more about the education options available for fledging entrepreneurs. 247