PROMOTION Find out how self-aware you are by completing our free online test and check if you meet our standard here: and sectors to be better leaders through its research, thought leadership and expert advice and resources. Successful leadership is grounded in selfawareness. If you are self-aware it means you have made, and keep updating, an accurate appraisal of your personality, of what motivates you, and what your strengths and weaknesses are. Without self-awareness, your effectiveness will always be limited. Without insights into what drives you and how your values impact your behaviour, you will struggle to have authentic relationships with others because you will not appreciate the impact your behaviour is having on those around you. MyLeadership has been developed by The Institute of Leadership & Management to provide online leadership learning designed to help your business to grow. It recognises the unique challenges that you face when trying to develop yourself and your teams with limited capacity and resources. It has been specifically designed to provide accessible and practical learning on laptops, tablets and smart phones. Quickly identify your development needs and receive reports that help you turn needs into recognised capability. Business readers of Your Business can receive 10% off Myleadership contact us and Quote YB18 Or contact the Institute of Leadership & Management today to talk to one of our team about your leadership learning needs +44(0)1543 266886