128 A BIG LEARNING CURVE Meet the dynamic duo behind education recruitment specialist Clarus Education 135 TALK THE TALK Find out about the myriad communication methods now available to businesses 144 KEEP IT RUNNING The importance of finding the right IT support for your needs 152 AHEAD IN THE CLOUD We travel into cloud computing 158 STREAMLINE THE SYSTEM The right software solutions can transform your business's prospects 168 HIDDEN RISKS 192 FULLY FUNCTIONAL Increasing cybersecurity should be the top of every business owner's to-do list Equipment your office really needs, from sticky notes to franking machines 172 TAKE A MESSAGE 200 WORKING FOR ALL 179 SPREAD THE WORD 207 LOOK AFTER YOUR OWN Baffled by marketing? Here are 10 ways to get your brand noticed Why digital marketing is one of the most cost-effective methods of promotion for businesses Discover how social enterprises have access to a unique range of funding Ignore your HR responsibilities and you could pay the price 186 TWEET SUCCESS 212 THINK AHEAD 188 PUT IT IN PRINT 218 FUN AND GAMES Don't be scared by social media - follow James Caan's top tips In an internet age, it's all too easy to forget about the power of the printed word, from brochures to direct mail We take a detailed look at autoenrolment pensions It's not all work, work, work! We look at the many benefits of a corporate day out - for staff and clients March 2019 224 12 272