Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - (Page 14)

A nAme chAnge signifies A new beginning for environmentAl, Allowing it to showcAse its full rAnge of wAstewAter, wAter And odour AbAtement solutions ANUA begiNNiNg c onfusion in business is never a good thing and, in the uK, bord na móna’s environmental business was operating from four locations and through three trading names, according to tom bradley, head of environmental europe. “our shop window was cluttered, confusing and as a result, we failed to capitalise on the opportunities presented,” he says. now rebranded under Anua and based in a new €2 million production facility at bridgwater, somerset, in the uK, the company has renewed its focus on its existing and future customer base to better understand their current needs and to anticipate their future ones. we are now positioned to capitalise on our collective skills and commitment in a one theme approach to everything we do, according to tom. “we can provide turnkey solutions in the whole area of rainwater capture and re-use, odour abatement, wastewater treatment, analytical laboratory and monitoring services. very few companies can offer that spectrum,” he says. in a changing market, this change in nuance is important. “the decline in construction activity in ireland over the past three years has had a significant impact on the overall performance of the irish business. nevertheless, we continue to grow market share (although in a smaller market today) and there are real opportunities for growth with the up and coming introduction of water rates and licensing and monitoring of on-site wastewater treatment systems,” he says. in the uK, Anua has secured a stg£750,000 odour abatement contract in london, a great boost to the business. “there is a gap in the market for turnkey solutions. the uK has not been as badly affected by the recession as we have been in ireland. there are greater opportunities to grow a substantial business in the uK over the next five years.” now, this new brand is a primary driver for communicating a new message to that marketplace, says Anton bolton, general manager, Anua uK. “Anua is an over-arching identity for us and together with our new headquarters, reflects a new opportunity for the business,” he says, adding that it was important for bord na móna customers and Acorn customers – and staff – to take on board the single identity of Anua and its multiplicity of service offerings. in continental europe, Anua’s focus over the next five years is to become a significant player in the odour abatement, wastewater treatment 14 | Source Summer 2011

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7

Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7
A Round-Up of News from Around the Company
Willow Harvest for Farmers
New Approach, New Business
Strategic Growth and Development
Challege and Change
Anua Beginning
Raging Inferno
Mapping a Sustainable Future
Project Update
Heritage Corner

Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7

Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 (Page 1)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 (Page 2)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Contents (Page 3)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - A Round-Up of News from Around the Company (Page 4)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - A Round-Up of News from Around the Company (Page 5)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - A Round-Up of News from Around the Company (Page 6)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - A Round-Up of News from Around the Company (Page 7)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Willow Harvest for Farmers (Page 8)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Willow Harvest for Farmers (Page 9)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - New Approach, New Business (Page 10)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - New Approach, New Business (Page 11)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Strategic Growth and Development (Page 12)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Challege and Change (Page 13)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Anua Beginning (Page 14)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Anua Beginning (Page 15)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Raging Inferno (Page 16)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Raging Inferno (Page 17)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Mapping a Sustainable Future (Page 18)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Mapping a Sustainable Future (Page 19)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Project Update (Page 20)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Project Update (Page 21)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Heritage Corner (Page 22)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Heritage Corner (Page 23)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Nationwide (Page 24)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Nationwide (Page 25)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Nationwide (Page 26)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Nationwide (Page 27)
Bord na Móna - Source Issue 7 - Nationwide (Page 28)