October/November 2013 www.esb.ie/em
ESB Networks Ltd
ESB Networks goes for gold!
Page 24
The Gate System
THE CONNECTION of renewable energy to the electricity network is managed in Ireland by the application of the Group Processing Approach (GPA). This is effectively an open bidding process, whereby tranches of applicants are processed in blocks, such as the Southwest hub. These blocks are known as Gates and to date there have been three gates: Gates 1, 2 and 3. Gates 1 and 2 are being built at the moment and total 2,500MW.
These issues have both been resolved by CER and the Department of Communications Energy and Natural Resources. EirGrid have carried out their studies to produce constraint reports, i.e., to study the impact of these projects on the system.
Each Gate 3 applicant is given 11 weeks to accept their offer, or otherwise the offer lapses. By the end of September, the expiry date will have passed for 120 applicants seeking to | connect to the Distribution Network and 30 applicants seeking connection to the Transmission Network. It is anticipated that there will be almost 100% acceptances of offers.
It is not expected that all of the applicants will seek immediate connection. There are a number of other conditions a developer must meet to get Finance to build and proceed to construction, including:
• Planning permission
• Environmental requirements SACs, etc. (Special Areas of Conservation).
• Sites, site access, Wayleaves and Consent.
It is anticipated, however, that a significant proportion will progress to construction. This constitutes a major block of work and will place substantial demands on the Renewable Energy Teams in Asset Management and HVD&C to ensure the prompt delivery of connections. These connections will require the delivery of new and the extension of existing 110kV and 38kV substations and the construction and installation of large volumes of 38kV and MV OH lines and UG Cables. The impact of these connections is further complicated by the fact that developers can opt to build the major portion of the works contestably, that is, using their own design and build teams.
Gate 3 is, in total, a further 4,500MW, with potentially 30 Grid connected projects and 120 projects connected to the Distribution system. Gate 3 offers have been issued and developers must now decide whether to accept or not. Some of these offers were issued over two years ago, but could not be accepted up to now as developers did not have certainty on:
• The level of Dispatch, i.e., as there would potentially be more capacity available than needed at times, those who built out first were being given priority. This made newer projects potentially unviable. This is now being done on a pro rata basis for all.
• Time limits set for Refit 2 has been extended from 2015 to 2017.
The total installed capacity nationally is now at 1,79 0MW (1,023MW Distribution and 767MW Grid)
There was a peak Generation of 1,540MW on March 21st last. There are some 70 projects at design and construct stage. By year-end with a potential additional capacity of 490MW will be connected 2013, taking the Republic of Ireland over the 2GW mark in terms of installed capacity.
INCREASING RENEWABLES penetrations across Europe are demanding that the DSO takes on new roles and responsibilities. EvolveDSO is a major EU FP7-funded project which will clearly define these new roles. The project will identify, develop and test the tools which DSOs will need to effectively evolve into and fulfil these roles.
The wide array of distributed energy resources connected at MV&LV, the convergence of electricity and telecoms infrastructures and the emergence of distributed storage and demand response are driving changes in the way DSOs plan and operate their networks. New approaches and tools for distribution planning, operations, scheduling and maintenance will be developed and tested under evolvDSO. This will contribute to the transition to a more sustainable European energy system by maintaining and increasing the security and reliability of distribution grids while facilitating the increased feed-in of distributed renewable generation. evolvDSO is a realisation of the EEGI roadmap and ultimately provides a significant impetus for reaching EU climate targets.
The project consortium consists of 16 partners, joining 12 of the most progressive European DSOs with TSOs and academia across eight countries. This is a €7.9m collaborative project with €5.3m being provided directly by the EU under FP7. The project has a 40 month duration and officially commenced in September.
ON THURSDAY AUGUST 29TH we joined with Christy King as he celebrated 43 years in ESB and moved on to retirement. Jerry O'Sullivan, MD ESB Network Ltd, welcomed Christy's wife, Nellie, his children, Mark, Carol, Anne and Christopher, his brothers and sisters, neighbours, colleagues, union officials and many friends to a very large gathering at the Goat Grill in Dublin.
Christy's approach to his role in Industrial Relations is to build good working relationships with all union leaders and to be true to his core belief that “it's all about trust”. Throughout his career, he has continued to find time to deal with personal issues, where his humanity and compassion earned him the respect of a wide range of people across ESB. Christy is a proud Wick-low man. He grew up and still lives at the foot of the Sugarloaf mountain in Kilmacanogue. He joined ESB in 1970 in the Payroll Unit of Dublin South District and became Payroll Unit Head in 1979. In 1985 he became Staff Services Officer (EAP), where he began to find his true home looking after people and the issues that affect them. After a number of years in that role he became involved in general Human Resources and Industrial Relations work, including the implementation of Partnership in Dublin Region. In 1999 he moved to a role in IR in ESB Networks and was appointed as Employee Relations Manager in 2003.
Paying tribute to Christy, Jerry O'Sullivan said: “Christy has touched the lives of many people in a caring and supportive way. He does things because it is the right thing to do! He has made deep and lasting friendships with many people in ESB.” As Christy often said: “We are all in this together!”
We wish Christy, Nellie and their family every success and continued health and happiness in the future.