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June/July 2013

Meter and Data Services

ยป ESB Networks is responsible for key processes within the Retail Electricity Market in the Republic of Ireland, including the installation and accuracy of all meters, collecting meter readings from all customers on behalf of all suppliers, and passing that information on to the market participants and the Single Electricity Market Operator (SEMO) for data aggregation and billing purposes.

Image of meter reading units on a bricked wall.

ACCURATE AND up-to-date meter reading data and usage profiles provides the income stream for ESB Networks and the many electricity Suppliers, including Electric Ireland and is done through management of critical IT Infrastructure and processes, alongside collaboration with CER and the market participants.

This article will give you an insight into the critical role that three of the teams in Metering and Data Services, led by Carmel O'Connor, provide to the Republic of Ireland (ROI) retail market.


The Meter Registration System Operator (MRSO) is led by Gerry Halligan and based in Dublin, Castlebar, Donegal and Mona-ghan. It comprises the Registration Team, led by Caroline Finneran and the Aggregation Team led by Jim Long. MRSO's primary role is the provision of a central registration process and data management service to support Trading and Settlement in the competitive electricity market. A central meter registration system is essential in order to associate each metering point with a supplier. This ensures that each supplier can be billed for the energy consumed by their customers and that Transmission and Distribution use of system charges can be calculated for the metering points for which each Supplier is responsible.

The services delivered by MRSO include:

  • Accurate and timely changing of meter points from one sup plier to another, in accordance with the Trading and Settle ment Code.
  • Processing and issue of meter data daily to the different play ers in the market.
  • Initial aggregation and re-ag gregation of meter data for set tlement.
  • Registration and provision of meter data for all embedded generators who are trading in the market.
  • Provision of historical load profile meter data to Quarter Hour (QH) eligible customers for the purposes of changing supplier.
  • Calculation of payments due to customers for Powersave events and advising their respective Supplier and EirGrid. Activity in the market today is approximately 1,500 supplier switches per day, which is a high level of customer churn.


Aggregation involves the summing up of the individual customer demand for each supplier. Quarter Hour (QH) and Non-Quarter Hour (NQH) customer consumption is aggregated, together with Non Participant Generator export data netted off the total import of the relevant Supplier Unit.

Global Aggregation requires that in addition to the aggregation of Quarter Hourly sites, all NQH sites must be aggregated too. To provide data for settlement in the absence of readings for NQH meters, annual usage factors and derived load profiles are used. This process must be carried out daily for all 2.3 million customers.


The objective of IT Performance is to progress IT work on the ESB Networks ISU platform to facilitate the changing business requirements of ESB Networks and the Retail Market for electricity.

Two people pose for a shot. A green potted plant can be seen behind them.
IT Performance Team - Theresa O'Neill, IT Performance Manager with Carl Murphy, ICT.

The objective of IT Performance is to progress IT work on the ESB Networks ISU platform...

Group shot of 13 people standing side by side.
Meter Reading Team, Cork.

Internally driven IT work:

As part of the ESB Networks IT Applications programme various items of work originate through ESB Networks business line, including Metering and Data Services, Distribution and Customer Service, Finance and Asset Management.

Through the effort of business and ITS experts, IT work is defined, scoped, and sized. This is prioritised and brought through an approval and monitoring process. ISU work is carried out throughout the year and tested and implemented as part of periodic release plans.

Externally facing IT work:

As the ESB Networks ISU system also supports external facing functionality that services the retail electricity market, IT work arises over time from external parties including retail market suppliers, EirGrid, the CER and the Single Electricity wholesale market (the SEM). Mandatory items of work can also arise from government departments for example Finance, the Department of the Environment, etc.

There is no dedicated IT performance team, so the achievement of all of this work is possible only through the input and dedication of the many business and ITS persons who, when nominated, always respond with their knowledge, time and expertise. This is much appreciated.

Eight people pose for a shot indoors in front of a round table. Four of the eight people are sitting at the table.
Above photograph shows MRSO team based in Osprey House. Front row (l-r): Joe Browne; Keith Plunkett; Caroline Finneran, Team Leader Registration; and Mary Skerrit. Back row (l-r): Kevin Scanlon; James Long, Team Leader Aggregation; Gerry Halligan, Manager, MRSO; and Seamus McCaffrey. Missing from photo: Phil O'Malley and Mary Bourke in Castlebar, Mary Winston in Letterkenny and Mary Maguire in Monaghan.


The Meter Reading unit, led by Peter Warner and based in Wilton, Cork is responsible for the collection, validation and distribution of meter readings for the Non-Quarter Hour market. This market covers the majority of meters throughout the country, mainly domestic premises but also small to medium commercial premises.

The readings are taken by 16 Staff Readers and over 200 Contract Meter Readers, who between them make over 9 million visits to customer premises each year. Readings are then submitted via a handheld device to Meter Reading team, who are responsible for ensuring

THE MARKETS MRSO operates in both the wholesale and retail Markets and must comply with the Trading and Settlement code and agreed procedures. It must work with impartial adherence to agreed design and rules. System and data integrity is always kept at a high priority.

The wholesale market is run by the Single Electricity Market Operator (SEMO) and comprises a bid market in electricity generation, and a settlement market for payments. As one of four meter data providers in this all-Island market, MRSO is responsible for providing the aggregated data to ensure settlement. Metering data is a key input to the settlements function and is utilised in setting System Marginal Price (SMP). SEMO require delivery of validated, settlement ready data aggregated to an agreed schedule, which is dictated by the Trading and Settlement Code for each Trading Period (Half Hour), for each Supplier and Generator Unit.