April/May 2013 www.esb.ie/em

» BSC and Electric Ireland's, Safety Sustainability and Wellbeing Team welcomed over 100 staff from across the directorate to its Third Annual Conference. The conference theme of the day was around ‘Working together for a Healthy Tomorrow’ which emphasised the importance of health, safety and sustainability, particularly in the current environment and in the challenges that are facing us all on a daily basis, both in our personal and work lives.

BSC AND ELECTRIC Ireland director, Brid Horan referred in her opening message address how the decisions we make everyday can have such a huge impact on our overall health and wellbeing and on the people around us. Brid emphasised the importance of looking after ourselves and looking after our colleagues.
Speakers engaged the audience with stories, facts and figures, and in some cases included active participation by the audience.
Internal Wellbeing, Safety and Sustainability Managers, Louise Murphy, Jim Murphy, Peter Morgan and Colm de Burca briefed us on Safety, Sustainability and Wellbeing plans for 2013 in our directorate and across the whole of ESB.
These plans underlined ESB's commitment to its staff.
The morning was interspersed with presentations on the safety, sustainability and wellbeing plan for 2013 for the BSC and Electric Ireland with presentations made by Louise Murphy, Manager Employee Wellbeing, Safety & Sustainability and Jim Murphy and Peter Morgan, Safety & Sustainability Managers. This was followed by a presentation by Colm DeBurca on the ESB Corporate Safety & Sustainability strategy. We then had presentations on mental wellbeing and stress management by organisational psychologist, Isobel Butler and Mary Mangan, EAP Officer that set out some tools and techniques for maintaining good resilience in these challenging times. Joan Freeman from Pieta House talked about the prevalence of suicide and attempted suicide in Ireland and the need for people to talk to someone when they are feeling depressed or suicidal. The Pieta House Mind Ur Buddy programme, That is being launched within ESB is aimed at providing support to people in this regard.

Copies of all of the presentations are available at http://esbmoss/sc/gsict/hr/shse/Wiki%20Pages/Home.aspxsharepoint site.
There was no time for rest in the afternoon, when the audience was invigorated by former armagh all Ireland Champion footballer, Enda Mcnulty. Enda provided an energising talk on how we can deal with challenging times and how we can ‘embrace life's challenges’ for the betterment of ourselves and those around us be it in work or at home.
A range of speakers engaged with stories, facts and figures, and in some cases included active participation by the audience.

To conclude the day, a short workshop was held to get input and views in relation to the health and wellbeing supports that are valued by staff and from this very valuable input was obtained to feed into the health and wellbeing plan for ESB.
Brid Horan in her closing remarks commented that the conference provided a valuable platform in which to drive forward our work on Safety, Sustainability and Wellbeing with our ever present aim that all staff are able to return home each day in the same healthy and fit state as that which they come to work in.

THIS was the fifth year of the Choir of the Year Competition at Electric Ireland Feis Ceoil. Over 40 choirs competed for one of only nine places in the Choir of the Year Final. The choirs come from all over the island of Ireland, from primary and post-primary schools. The 2013 winners were Belvedere College, Dublin who won an overall prize of €4,000. The best Primary School Choir was Sacred Heart, Tullamore who won €1,000. Belvedere College performed at the Gala Concert on March 23rd at the national Concert Hall.

ONLINE STORE Product Review
Philip Kelly
Power Monkey

At first glance its hard to understand just how handy this portable charger could be , however after just a few short weeks of using this essential little tool I can now say I could not be without it. The powermonkey-classic is a portable charger for your mobile devices (including iPhone,Blackberry,iPod/MP3 player, Pda, handheld games console and more). It offers a myriad number of interchangeable heads so you can charge almost any portable device you might have. It is the essential travel companion, providing portable power for your gadgets when you need it. after recently travelling with friends I found the power monkey a great device to ensure I always had battery power for my mobile devices, what further impressed me and my travelling companions is that the power monkey had a number of interchangeable heads that suited most of my groups phones. The power monkey also comes with a plug head suitable for European sockets and eliminates the need for you to bring an adapter when travelling. This compact, sleek and light weight device truly is a fantastic little companion that allows you to stay fully charged. In a time where we are continually using our smart phones for every day tasks, its great to have this charger as a back up for your battery to ensure you can always access your smart phone, after all we all know the feeling of a seeing the dreaded “battery low” message appearing on our phones. The cost for this product is €51.99, which may seem a little high however you will quickly understand the value in having this gadget as soon as you purchase it.