October/November 2012 www.esb.ie/em
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ElectricAid is based on strong ideals of partnership and service – between contributing members, the companies, the implementing NGO partners, and people in need in Ireland and all over the Developing World. On this occasion, the organisation was honoured and delighted that President Higgins chose to mark our work for the poor, the marginalised and the powerless with his presence at the launch of this exhibition.
Speaking at the opening event, ESB Chief Executive Pat O’Doherty said: “This exhibition is a fitting acknowledgment of the fantastic work that ElectricAid has done, in funding support for those most in need, over the last twenty five years”.
“We know that charity organisations are dependent on donations to ensure they continue to support those most in need, particularly in the current economic climate and with the hardships that many people across the country are facing. We also appreciate that charities find it increasingly difficult to raise much needed funds,” he added.
Sustainable Innovation Awards 2012
THIS YEAR’S Sustainable Innovation Awards will take place on Thursday 18th October in ESB Head Office. The overall winners will be selected from a shortlist that will be announced at the beginning of the month.
Assessment teams are currently reviewing logged Sustainable Innovations. As part of this process, the teams may contact Business Unit Sustainablity Managers, local champions or SI initiators for further detail on any aspect of an initiative. In many cases, however, the details in the logged SI will be sufficient for the assessors.
This year there are over 600 Sustainable Innovations being reviewed and scored as part of the Awards process. Every part of the company is represented and the diversity and breadth of the work underway is evident in the quality of their content.
Further details about the Sustainable Innovation Awards can be found at the Sustainability site on esbnet.
A ‘grand’ token of appreciation for ElectricAid members
THIS YEAR, ElectricAid is celebrating 25 years of work for the poor and disadvantaged of Ireland and the Developing World. Membership has grown from zero in 1987 to the current level of 2,700 members, each contributing what they can from salary or pension. To show our deep appreciation of this steadfast support, ElectricAid is holding a monthly draw for its members for five months, the first of which was held in July. Five members’ names are drawn monthly, with €5,000 available to be “won” each month – the winning members are each entitled to direct €1,000 to a charity of their nomination. A total of €25,000 in funding will be directed in this way to good causes close to members’ hearts.
Our winners represent you – our members who are sticking with us through good times and bad, and through career, voluntary severance and retirement. We salute and thank you all. A special word of thanks must also go to Peter Brady of Group Internal Audit. He has overseen each draw to ensure that they were conducted to the highest standards.
Changes to EM
As outlined in the last issue of EM, our Dec./Jan. edition will reflect the new changes to the publication as part of our cost reduction measures. However, we will continue to bring you up to date news and information from the various business lines in the company as well as maintaining EM as an interesting read. Many of you have since signed up for our net book version and in doing so you are helping the environment as well as reducing print and postage costs which are a major part of EM’s production.
All retired staff will receive the Dec./Jan. issue in printed form but from 2013 onwards this will be posted to retired staff on a one issue a year basis i.e. the annual Christmas issue. However, EM will still be available online or in an ezine format direct to your inbox. We take on board the concern and disappointment some of you have voiced and regret that this measure has to be taken in order to ensure the future of the publication, albeit in another form.
We want to continue to communicate with you but in as efficient and cost effective way as possible and we hope as many of you as possible will forward your email details to subscribe to the net book version.
To sign up for the net book version of EM please forward your email details to: Bernie.healy@esb.ie
Alternatively you can complete the following form and post to: Bernie Healy, Editor EM, Corporate Communications and Public Affairs, ESB, 27 Lr. Fitzwilliam Street, Dublin 2.
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