Audio version


August/September 2012

Energy International

A Charity Cycle success
page 22

image shows the 2 people on bikes with helmets and backpacks. They are riding up hill towards the sun.


image shows a large grey ship halted at doc.
The LE Eithne will be in Dublin for the International Conference on Ocean Energy, which will take place in October.


AT A RECENT CONFERENCE hosted by the European Ocean Energy Association in Brussels, 170 delegates gathered to present and discuss the status of ocean energy and the vision for the future. Significant progress since the 2011 conference was highlighted and the industry is now focused on bringing the single demonstration device to a small array of devices.

Brendan Barry, Manager of ESB Ocean Energy, presented ESB’s vision for ocean energy, which recognised that there is a significant economic and sustainability opportunity for Ireland. ESB’s experience in this sector was highlighted through its active support for the early stages of development through many initiatives. In addition, key areas to focus on were outlined, which included funding, technology, foreshore legislation and an export market for the significant wave resource off the west coast of Ireland. This was in tune with the general theme of the conference, where technologies were acknowledged for achieving significant milestones in the past few years.

Challenges now lie in reducing the technology and project costs, developing the supply chain, attracting private funding through risk reduction and continued government supports for the sector.

ESB Ocean Energy also took the opportunity to meet with Irish MEPs in the EU offices in Brussels to update them on ocean energy developments in Ireland with Cera Slevin hosting a discussion at the Permanent Representation of Ireland in Brussels. The MEPs were very interested in developments and were keen to find out about the opportunities and challenges for ocean energy and how the EU could support early stage development.

Many wave and tidal technologies are being testing at the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC), which ESB Ocean Energy visited recently. Others, such as Finnish company AW Energy, who are developing the WaveRoller, are testing in Portugal at present. Fergus Sharkey and John Fitzgerald were invited to view the WaveRoller device prior to being launched off Peniche in Portugal. This device, a near-shore wave energy converter, operates in shallow water approximately 15m deep and will be rated to generate c. 1MW.

image shows a blue and white ship docked. There is a large crane that seems to be loading something onto the boat.
Granuaile will also be berthed in Dublin for the forthcoming International Conference on Ocean Energy.

image shows a large green and white boat docked.
The Celtic Voyager, which will be berthed in Dublin for the upcoming International Conference on Ocean Energy.

image shows two large red tanks.
AW Energy’s WaveRoller at Peniche Harbour.

image shows two large white towers at the dock.
Seabed devices at Lysekil Harbour.

ESB Ocean Energy also caught up with Swedish technology developer, Seabased, in June. Seabased are developing the 10MW Sotenas wave farm. This farm features multiple small linear generator based wave energy converters. To facilitate this project Seabased are undertaking ambitious plans to include developing mass production facilities in Lysekil, Sweden. The wave and tidal sector is very active and all will descend upon Dublin in October for the International Conference on Ocean Energy, which is being hosted in the Convention Centre. Over 750 international experts and world-leading ocean energy companies will gather for the conference. ESB is sponsoring the event and a number of staff will present papers during the proceedings. The water-front venue allows Ireland to showcase the Marine Institute’s Celtic Voyager, Naval Service’s LE Eithne and The Commissioners for Irish Lights’ Granuaile, which will be berthed on the river and at the docklands. This promises to be an exciting event when the international focus will be on Ocean Energy and on Dublin.

Further information is available at:

ESBEI Safety Awards

image shows a montage of images that gives a flavour for the event.
Highlights from last year’s Generation Operations Safety Forum.


DURING ENERGY International’s 2012 Safety Conference, it was announced that there would be changes in the way the Safety Awards would be rolled out this year. The purpose of the awards is to give recognition to all groups, locations, projects and stations that go beyond their normal requirements to drive safety and health initiatives within their part of the organisation.

These awards are open to all parts of Energy International. Merit awards will now be presented twice a year in June and December. Closing date for first submissions was extended to July 30th and the top four nominations from both mid- and end-year submissions will receive awards at the January Safety Conference. One overall winner will be selected from these.
Awards will be judged on the following criteria:

  • Initiatives from SIP, Project/Site H&S Plans
  • Improved safety performance
  • Excellence in reporting
  • Incident investigation
  • Communication of learning from incidents
  • Improvement in risk assessment process
  • Contractor management

To nominate a group, project, station or initiative, compile a two page submission highlighting benefits as per the criteria below and forward to

  • Name of Group
  • Location
  • Initiative or achievement
  • Potential safety benefit
  • Potential safety improvement
  • Successful safety outcome

A selection panel has been agreed and comprises representatives from Generation (Darragh Duhy), ESBI (Liam Mannion), one appointment from Asset Management and another from the Senior Management Team.

So put your thinking caps on. There is significant effort being made in all parts of Energy International, so why not submit an entry for something that is being done really well, something that has brought positive change or something that has the potential to deliver real safety and/or health improvements and give it the recognition it deserves.

ESBI meets Indian Delegation

image shows a gathering of businessmend and women standing looking towards the camera and smiling.
Sean Atkinson, Business Development Manager, ESB International, gave a briefing on ESBI to a delegation from the Indian Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Resources hosted by Enterprise Ireland on 15 June. He is pictured (fourth from right), with Gireesh Pradhan, Secretary in the Ministry of Non-Conventional Energy Resources Partha Ray, Second Secretary, Embassy of India, along with Lorraine Frewen, Cathy Holahan and Joe Madden from Enterprise Ireland, John Ward Renewable Energy Dynamics Holdings Ltd., Joe Corbett. Mainstream Renewable Power Ltd., Nick McGrath, Hybrid Energy Solutions and Simon Dick, Clearpower Ltd.