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August/September 2012

Editor’s desk

face shot of EM editor Bernie Healy


Hello and welcome
to the August/September edition of EM.

ESB marks its 85th anniversary this year. The company was set up in 1927 as the Shannon Scheme got underway. The station at Ardnacrusha was commissioned in 1929 and the scale of the project, at such an early stage of the Irish Free State, is now mind blowing.

The event featured in this issue to mark the anniversary, celebrates “The Cosgraves and The Shannon Scheme” – Taoiseach WT Cosgrave officially opened the station and, on that day, was accompanied by a very young Liam Cosgrave, who himself later became Taoiseach.

The interest in Ardnacrusha and the Shannon Scheme never wavers and it continues to be a source of great pride in ESB. Many publications have covered its construction – some technical, others from a historical and human interest point of view.

The might Shannon continues to bring a sense of awe and respect to all who view the results of the Shannon Scheme. Take a trip from the dam at Parteen Weir, following the route of the canal to the power station, and you too will be impressed by the vision of those mighty pioneers nearly 90 years ago.

Would you like to receive a Nxtbook version of EM to replace your printed copy?

Shot of an Apple Ipad and the current issue of EM magazine

The advantages are:

You are helping to save the planet. You are helping to reduce printing costs. AND You will be entered into a draw every three issues for an iPad.

To received a Netbook version of EM please send your name, address AND email to:

If you are not receiving the correct number of copies of EM at your location please contact Bernie Healy at the email above.

Congratulations to our first iPad winner:
David Wallace, ESB
Network s, Dundalk.

EM welcomes news, views, articles, letters, photos and feedback on any topic. All submitted articles should preferably be e-mailed.

Please contact:

Bernie Healy, Editor
T (01) 702 7402 (office)
extn. 27402 (internal)
M 087 261 5514
F (01) 676 0727
internal outlook address: Healy.Bernie
external email address:

Anne Deignan
Administrative Assistant
T (01) 702 6282 (office)
extn. 26282 (internal)
M 087 280 6615 (mobile)
F (01) 676 0727
internal outlook address: Deignan.Anne
external email address:

Closing date:

Competitions and crosswords must be returned by September 12th. Deadlines: The deadline for articles, photos, etc. for the next issue is September 12th. We are always delighted to receive items for publication.

Published by ESB Corporate Communications.

Produced by
Zahra Media Group
First Floor, Zoe House,
Church Road, Greystones,
Co. Wicklow.

The views expressed in EM are not necessarily those of ESB.

ESB supports recycling Please recycle this paper

Draw results


June Draw
€3,000 Orna McKay, Dundalk
€1,500 Joseph Dunne, Retired
€500 Leo O’Toole, Retired
€200 John Fogarty, Retired
€200 Ollie Brogan, ESBI
€200 Francis Frampton, Retired
€200 Leonard Traynor, Retired
€200 James Meyler, Retired


A SUSTAINABLE INNOVATION Forum was held in ESB Head Office on Thursday, June 21st to mark European Sustainable Energy Week.

The forum was opened by John Campion, Executive Director Sustainability & Human Resources via Webex link, and was attended by a representative cross-section of sustainability champions and managers throughout the Company. The Chief Executive, Pat O’Doherty and Worker Board Members were also in attendance. Gavin Harte, an environmental consultant from BITCI gave a talk on linking business success to sustainability and there were ESB case studies and a short workshop on the same topic.

At the conclusion of the forum, John Campion launched the 2011 Sustainable Innovation Awards, which this year will see extra emphasis on innovation and on sharing of best practice. The entries will be drawn directly from the Sustainable Innovation Log which will serve to emphasise the link to the Company KPI of 10 SIs per 100 staff.


The ESB AGM took place on 12 July in Head Office and approved a final dividend of €72.5m of which €68.8m is payable to the Exchequer, bringing total dividends paid by ESB to the Exchequer of some €1 billion over the last decade.

The Chairman of ESB, Lochlann Quinn, welcomed the shareholders’ representatives to the meeting as follows:

  • Stephanie O’Donnell, representing the Minister for Public Expenditure and Reform
  • Carmel Fields, representing the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources
  • David Beattie, representing ESB ESOP Trustee Ltd.

He said that ESB delivered a strong performance in a difficult economic environment in 2011 with operating profit of €469m.

Ms O’Donnell on behalf of the Minister for Public Enterprise and Reform and Ms Fields on behalf of the Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources thanked the Board and management for the hard work and good performance in 2011 and wished the company every success in 2012.

Mr. Beattie also recognised the achievements of 2011 and welcomed government commitment to ESB as a strong vertically integrated company.

ElectricAid Annual Report 2011

Close shot of a poor farmer planting in the earth with his hands

ELECTRICAID’S Annual Report for 2011 has been published. The report documents another solidly successful year for the charity, based on the continuing and steadfast generosity of our members, supporters and ESB. Each and every one of the 174 fundings made by ElectricAid in 2011, from Cork to Khartoum, is detailed. It’s a great foundation for our 25th Anniversary Celebrations and for the next 25 years of service.

It’s a great read – download it now and have a look at where your money went and how much good it did.

Dublin is fully Charged

Continued from page 1

Marie Geoghan Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science sits in a Renault Twizy Urban City car at the fully charged car show in dublin
Maire Geoghegan Quinn, Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science tries out the Renault Twizy Urban City car in the exhibition area of Fully Charged 2012.

GLOBAL PREDICTIONS for electric vehicle volumes estimate that China will become the largest market for electric vehicles/plug-in hybrids by 2020 with volumes of 13 million units. Volumes for Europe and the US are estimated at 9.6 and 4.1 million respectively. The International Energy Agency has called for electric and plug-in hybrids to reach 50% of global sales by 2040 in their new Energy Technology Perspectives 2012 Report. Maria van der Hoeven, Executive Director of the IEA spoke about the need for battery cost reductions, infrastructure and supporting policies to achieve these targets. She also emphasized the potential future role of electric vehicles as part of a ‘smart grid’ electricity system.

How to make the most of IT

by Eddie Nally

example of screen shot from Microsoft Word showing how to convert text into a column structure