August/September 2012 www.esb.ie/em
NOEL CLARKE, QUALITY Manager, ESBI, pictured with colleagues who took part in a four-day ISO9001 surveillance audit, carried out by NSAI auditor Joe Cavanagh in June 2012. The auditor commended ESBI on its internal audit approach and the involvement of senior management. The next audit, scheduled to take place early in 2013, is for full recertification to the ISO9001 standard, where a high degree of focus will be placed on our processes, procedures and work instructions.
ESB International launches European Compliance Good Practice Guideline
AN ESBI TECHNICAL GROUP chaired by Ken Lynch developed a European Compliance Good Practice Guideline based on the CE Marking Directive as applied to the Power Industry. The purpose of the document is to provide relevant information to staff to ensure that engineering solutions that ESBI provide to clients are fully compliant with European Directives.
EU directives are legally binding for all facilities within the European Union. Responsibility for compliance rests with all parties involved including suppliers, manufacturers and consultants, but ultimately with the client who is responsible for maintaining compliance up to and including decommissioning. The document presents key definitions relating to the directives which have either direct or indirect consequences for ESBI. It also outlines best practice processes, systems and tools required and/or recommended to ensure compliance with the directives.
As an engineering consultancy, delivering high-quality solutions that comply with industry standards and legal requirements is essential. To achieve this, ESBI is committed to applying best national and international practice guidelines and maintaining knowledge of the latest industry standards.
For further information or to request a copy of the guidelines, please contact Ken Lynch at ken.lynch@esbi.ie.
2012 O2O Charity Cycle
The third annual Office to Office charity cycle from Dublin to Cork took place on Friday June 15th with 43 cyclists participating.
Departing Stephen Court at 6.45am, the cyclists split into three groups each separated by a few hundred metres. Their route took them along the noisy and rough hard shoulder of the N7 before turning inland to the pleasant, undulating roads of Kildare.
The initial 80km was hard-going, not just due to the adverse weather conditions, but also an unplanned 10km diversion and a number of punctures. The group had its first stop in Athy and was later welcomed into Kilkenny by ESB staff, Sarah Phelan and Maurice O’Connor, where lunch was served courtesy of the Sodexo-managed VHI canteen.
Although not cold, the weather was still inclement and the south-easterly wind had turned into a southerly, blowing directly against the cyclists. This made hard work for those driving the groups from the front, a duty which was rotated according to whoever felt strongest to lead.
Clonmel was the next food stop where the cyclists were guests of Bulmers, again thanks to Sodexo. At 6 p.m., with 180km completed and a further 100km to go, the group was running an hour behind schedule. Continuing bad weather had resulted in many punctures and lost time, however, spirits remained high.
Finally reaching Mitchelstown meant there was only 50km to go, which included two tiring uphill drags. After the first, a break was taken in Fermoy, leaving just over 30km as the final leg up to Watergrasshill, and then downhill for 15km to Little Island. In darkness, the group climbed off their bikes at the Cork office at 10 p.m., after 281km. Every single cyclist had set a new day distance record.
All the pedalling was worth it as almost €19,500 was raised for two nominated charities, Down Syndrome Ireland and Enable Ireland. The event costs were borne by the riders so all money raised by the generosity of ESB staff and friends of participants goes to the charities.
Many thanks to ESB International for sponsorship of the event jersey; ESB ecars for their sponsorship and the provision of a support ecar and ESB Renewables O&M for the support jeep. This sponsorship, as well as the voluntary time of ESB staff driving these vehicles, was essential and invaluable. The whole team would like to thanks everyone who got behind the event.
Roll on 2013 – who knows how big this event can get!
ENGINEERING DEGREES achieved by two ESBI staff
CONGRATULATIONS TO Paul Hogan and Michael Sammin who recently completed their Engineering Degrees, both passing with honours. Paul and Michael completed their studies on an evening / parttime basis, while working for ESBI in Ireland and overseas. Jim Murray, Manager, Power Plant Engineering, ESBI commented, “It must be noted that during their four years of study, both Paul and Michael continuously performed their duties in ESBI to the highest standard and for this I commend their dedication and personal commitment”.
2012 Future Power Day
FUTURE POWER DAY 2012 will take place on Friday, August 24th. The event gives secondary school children (aged between 12 and 15) an insight into the exciting world of engineering and is open to the children or siblings of staff members. If you have a child or sibling interested in attending, please contact Ian Riordan, HR Learning & Development, Stephen Court, 18/21 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2 (email: ian.riordan@esbi.ie or tel. 01-7038033) with their name and age by close of business Friday, August 3rd. The event takes place in the dual Dublin locations of Stephen Court and Engineers Ireland.
Please also note that spaces are limited.