
Audio version


ESB Networks Ltd

August/September 2012

close up shot of orange and black electrical wires wrapped up

A Fibre Optic Network
page 17

Live-line crew mobilised after HELICOPTER CRASH

shot of a crashed green army helicopoter with a small Irish tri-colour flag on the back of the tail in the middle of a field with five men in army camouflaged clothes and hi-vis jackets standing beside it talking, in the background can be seen two yellow ESB machines assisting in the reparation

close up shot of the broken component of the helicopter

shot of the inside of the crashed helicopter

MANY EM readers will have been aware from the media of a recent helicopter Air Corps ambulance landing in a field at Fantane, near Nenagh in Co. Tipperary to pick up a patient from a road ambulance.

Although the pilot had seen a three-phase backbone line on his left, as he came in to land, he didn’t see the 2x25s single-phase 20kV line in his path. The main rotor made contact with the line, broke both conductors and destabilised the helicopter which subsequently crash landed. Fortunately no one was injured and all three crew walked away from the helicopter.

Both phases were cut, with each conductor making contact with the ground and both fuses blown and 30 customers lost supply for about five hours.

The photos show the helicopter with the Roscrea Live-Line Crew getting ready to replace the single phase branch in the background. The live-line crew proved their worth as the main three-phase line is tail-fed and the crew would have had to drop 350 customers to reconnect the single phase branch.

Well done and thanks to Martin Young, JJ Slattery and Frank Hickey of the Live Line crew and Area Operator Ger Touhy. Thanks also to Mike Fox, CSS, and Mossie Finn, STSS, who dealt professionally and efficiently with this unusual situation.

As a point of interest, the helicopter is fitted with wire cutters above and below the cab, however these are only effective if it is flying directly into the wires. In this case, as the helicopter landed, the conductors hit the rotor directly without getting caught by the wire-cutter device.


shot of a line of big electrical pylons at dusk rising into the sky behind them and a tree line underneath

ESB TELECOMS (ESBT) has built and also operates a national fibre optic network (NTFON), constructed in a 'figure of eight' around Ireland. ESBT used ESB's extensive electricity transmission network to deploy the 1,500km fibre optic network (of which 1,300km is for commercial use) on overhead lines and in underground ducting.

There is a code of practice agreed between ESB and the Irish Farmers Association (IFA) where ESBT has commercial fibre passing over landowners’ properties. This code of practice is intended as a framework guideline for the various activities associated with fibre connectivity and about 3,000 landowners receive annual payments under this agreement.

The wayleave process commences when a wayleave officer from ESBT meets a landowner to discuss the proposed installation. The land is measured and the length of fibre is recorded to obtain the payment due to the landowner. Once the landowner agrees to the installation of fibre on their property, a declaration form is signed by the landowner and ESBT for the work to be carried out by an ESBT approved contractor.

ESBT manages its own wayleave database, which is separate to ESB Networks’ ‘Mast Interference’. Each landowner has a unique wayleave reference per overhead line. The database also records landowner contact details, townland names, ESB Networks’ pole numbers, change of ownership details and the date of the initial fibre installation. It is important for ESBT to maintain a good open relationship with the landowner for queries or concerns they may have about their land.

The annual wayleave payments to landowners are scheduled each December through SAP, which makes it a very busy time in ESBT to ensure the 3,000 cheques are issued on time.

In the future, in a bid to modernise payments, the Irish Payments Services Organisation (IPSO) which is being jointly co-ordinated by the National Payments Implementation Plan (NPIP) and the Department of Finance in Ireland, aims to phase out cheques by 2016.

To reduce costs, it is planned to phase out cheque payments by 2016 under the National Payments Implementation Plan (NPIP) which is being jointly co-ordinated by the Irish Payment Services Organisation (IPSO) and the Department of Finance. Similar measures are being implemented throughout Europe, whereby payment of wayleaves by cheque will become obsolete and will be replaced by electronic fund transfer (EFT). This will bring several new challenges to the future of wayleave management for ESBT but will provide a more efficient and cost effective service to landowners.

Fiona Corr on volunteer trip to Vietnam

classroom full of Vietnamese children and teachers with an Electric Aid volunteer among them. Written on the blackboard in the background is a message reading “Thank you Electric Aid Ireland”
Fiona Corr, the volunteers and children celebrate the ElectricAid Grant.

Earlier this year ESB Networks staff in Wilton joined together to support Fiona Corr and her volunteer trip to Vietnam with the charity Helping Orphans Worldwide (HOW). This trip was to help out with various projects in Ho Chi Minh City and to see in particular the progress of the Education Project in the Lotus Shelter for orphaned and abandoned girls, funded by an Electric Aid Grant. This grant secured the purchase of five laptops and an English Teaching program, which is vital for these girls education.

Fiona raised over €3,500 and every cent raised helps the lives of countless children in desperate situations. HOW is run by volunteers so all donations go to their programmes in Vietnam. Fiona witnessed and help deliver support while she was there in June.

You can learn more about all of these programmes on the website or contact Fiona in ESB Networks Wilton. Fiona wishes to thank each and every one of her colleagues for their selfless generosity. She said, "On behalf of all the voiceless children you have helped may I offer my heartfelt gratitude."

A thank-you letter, reproduced on the right, was received at Wilton following Fiona's trip to the Lotus Shelter.

WE AT HOW (Helping Orphans Worldwide CHY 18352) want to say a huge 'Thank You' to all of you for your amazing fundraising and donations to support Fiona Corr and her volunteer trip to Vietnam. This was one of the largest amounts ever raised by a single volunteer and Fiona insists she could not have done it without the help and support of her family and friends and most of all her work colleagues at ESB.

I hope you are aware what a huge difference every cent you donated or helped raise will have in the lives of countless children in desperate situations. HOW is run by volunteers so all donations go to our programmes here in Vietnam. Fiona will witness and help deliver support when she is here this summer. Our main focus for the volunteer funds this year are:

We will be supporting a disabled childrens’ centre by providing them with the supplies they use for vocational training.

We support the education at a girls shelter and this year this has been improved even further by the success of our application for an ElectricAid grant.

We will provide much needed medical supplies to a HIV/Aids clinic, which treats patients with nowhere else to turn.

We will also put a large amount of this year's funds to help educate the medical staff and parents of children living with E.B.

Thank you each and every one of you for your selfless generosity. On behalf of all the voiceless children you have helped I offer my heartfelt gratitude.

Yours sincerely,
Kerri Galligan,
HOW volunteer manager,