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ESB Networks Ltd

February/March 2012


Training Centre in focus
ESB Networks Ltd
page 18

ESB Telecoms maintains high levels of service


NATIONWIDE, THE NUMBER of planning applications being submitted to the planning authorities has plummeted dramatically from the peak in 2006, when applications reached a staggering 92,651.

A mere 28,330 submissions were made to local authorities across the country in 2010. This figure is the lowest in 15 years, even lower than in 1995 when numbers were higher at 45,261. The change is quite dramatic.

Albeit the stark figures for the local authorities, the ESB Telecoms planning team remain busy as they are faced with a continuous roll-over in retention applications for telecommunication towers. Annually 30-45 retention applications are submitted. The Planning Guidelines state that planning permissions for telecommunications infrastructure should only be granted for a period of five years. The five-year clause is in place so that local authorities may re-assess the requirements for installations regularly, given the rapid pace of development in the industry.

ESB Telecoms has taken an innovative approach to new build applications, integrating the existing availability of ESB Telecoms' fibre-optic network and the existing ESB substations. The strategic location of the fibre network and the proximity to new transportation infrastructure are the key drivers behind new build planning applications, ensuring ESB Telecoms maintain our high level of service to operators and the mobile and broadband networks are maintained for their customers.

ESB Telecoms is mindful of the growing demand for 3G coverage and Ireland now has 1.8 million smart phone users who consume the majority of mobile data traffic. 3G coverage provides data rates 30 times faster than 2G rates. During busy periods, the cell size shrinks, therefore allowance has to be made for this so that coverage gaps do not appear during these busy times. Mobile and broadband operators are constantly striving to maintain services and are always looking for new sites to locate telecommunications equipment. ESB Telecoms, as a telecommunications infrastructure provider, is at hand to provide our service to these operators, our customers.

This year promises to be a good year for the planning team: We expect to have six new build applications submitted this year along with more than 35 retention applications.

Remaining on a positive note, ESB Telecoms would like to congratulate Helen Cherry on the completion of her masters in Town and Country Planning. This three-year distance learning course is run by a consortium of universities: London South Bank, Leeds University, University of the West of England, Bristol, Dundee University and the Open University. The Masters covered a variety of planning issues including Social, Environmental and economic issues at Local, Regional, National and International levels. Soft skill such as communication with public/client and negotiation skills were also covered in the course. Helen submitted her required thesis on The effectiveness of the telecommunication industry to engage the community when locating communication infrastructure, a relevant and beneficial area of research for the Telecoms Planning team. Again, congratulations Helen!

image shows helen in her graduation roles holding her certificate
Helen Cherry

image shows a windfarn during the snow.
Lurganboy Windfarm, Milford, Co Donegal, in Winter. Photo by Shane Johnston of ESB Networks.

Deirdre McKenna graduation

image shows Deirdre in her graduation robes with her certificate

Dublin City University Business School graduate Deirdre McKenna has recently been awarded a First Class Honours Masters Degree in Safety and Health at Work. Deirdre is an ESBN Production Support Supervisor for Distribution & Customer Services Dublin North Division.


image shows a group of colleagues gathered in an office, they are all informally smiling towards the camera

2011 was an extremely successful year for the ESB Meter Reading activity with S.L.A.s around Long Term No Access and Back to Back Estimates being exceeded. Credit for this rests with the meter readers themselves and with the administration staff who are based in Cork and Limerick. The picture shows the Meter Reading Team in Cork enjoying a celebratory cake and coffee (missing from this photograph are Peg Healy, Mary Forde and Joan Harrington).

ESB 'Brothers in Arms'

ON SATURDAY 21ST January 2012, Commandant Michael Flannery was guest of honour at a function in Custume Barracks Athlone to mark his retirement from the Reserve Defence Force, (RDF). Comdt Flannery joined the Reserve Defence Force (Formerly An FCA) in 1979 and progressed through the Ranks holding various senior appointments until his retirement as Brigade Adjuntant, Western Brigade.

As well as serving the State as a member of the RDF, Michael also works in Fleet and Equipment, ESB Networks, based in Galway.

A large number of RDF members joined Michael at Custume Baracks to wish him well on his retirement, including some of his colleagues from ESB, who are also members of the RDF.

image shows a number of men standing army atire, they are all looking to the camera and smiling.
Members of the RDF who are also employed by ESB (l-r): Commandant Tom Cunningham OC HQ Coy 56 Bn, Captain Tommy Mannion 2 I/C D Coy 58 Bn, Commandant Martin O’Duffy OC BTC W Bde Reserve, Commandant Michael Flannery Brigade Adjuntant W Bde Reserve, Commandant Liam Thomas 2 I/C 58 Bn, Captain Martin McCormack Battery Comdr HQ Battery 54 Artillary Reserve.


An ESB Networks quiz competition for schools was held at the Ploughing Championship. The prize was a wind turbine kit for the science class to encourage more interest in science, bring renewable technologies and hands on interactive learning into the class room. The prize was a wind turbine kit for the science class to encourage more interest in science, bring renewable technologies and hands on interactive learning into the class room.

image shows a gathering of Children with their teachers and an ESB representative, they are all lookinh to the camera and smiling
Ballymahon Vocational School (l-r): Students. Joseph Murphy, Kevin McQuaide, Sean McMullen, Jessica Lynch, Max Nally, Derek Hughes, Shauna Murray Science Teacher, Billy Nutley ESB Networks and Pat Horan Physics Teacher. The competition was won by Chris Mulvey, Moyore, Mullingar ex pupil of the school.

image shows a boy and his teacher holding a certificated and standing beside them is a representative from ESB They are all looking at the camera and smiling.
Winners: Ard Scoil Ris, North Circular Road Limerick (l-r):Billy Nutley, ESB Networks; Paul O Connell, Student and Rose Lawlor, Science Teacher.

Networks: from dusk 'til dawn

image shows a shadowy transformer against a vibrant purple sky.
The Clashavoon 220kV transformer in twilight. Photo by Liam Delaney.