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Audio version



February/March 2012


THE DISABILTY Traineeship Programme 2011 recently concluded with a presentation to the successful trainees by our new Chief Executive, Pat O’Doherty. At the presentation, Pat also announced he was approving the Disability Traineeship Programme for a further three years.

The 2011 programme attracted nearly 100 applicants of which 45 were called for interview and, with the support of management and staff, we had eight placement opportunities across ESB:

  • Four placements in ESB Networks.
  • Three placements in Services and Electric Ireland.
  • A placement in ESBI, Stephen’s Court.

This year, the programme celebrated its sixth year in existence and to date it has provided 66 disabled participants the opportunity to gain valuable work experience, improve social skills, build confidence and improve their employment prospects.

All the participants have indicated that their involvement has increased their confidence and self-belief.

Out of this year’s eight trainees, one got a two-year contract with an external employer and another was retained on a further six-month temporary contract in ESB.

The ESB Disability Traineeship Programme has attracted very favourable comment from disability-related organisations and statutory agencies, notably from the National Disability Authority.

ESB staff, at all levels, have gained much learning and insight into disability awareness through this programme and this has been extremely valuable to us in creating and promoting an inclusive work environment for all our staff in ESB.

image shows a gathering of team leaders and participants from the Disability traineeship programme. They are gathered infront of 2 Equality and diversity banners and they are holding their certificates.
Chief Executive Pat O’Doherty and Executive Director HR & Sustainability John Campion pictured with the trainees, Team Leaders and mentors.

image shows a gathering of team leaders and participants from the Disability traineeship programme. They are gathered infront of 2 Equality and diversity banners and they are holding their certificates.
Pat O’Doherty, John Campion, Joyce Farrell, Bernie O’Connor and Niall O’Hanlon of the Equality and Diversity office and members of the programme.

Medical Provident Fund – Remittance Advices (details of your payment)

Do you have an internal or external email address?

In order to improve our carbon footprint, why not send Medical Provident Fund your email address and we will issue your remittance advices electronically.

There are many advantages:

  • Your carbon footprint is reduced, as there is no paper involved. Your money is sent to the bank electronically and your remittance advice is sent to you electronically.
  • You will receive your remittance advice, in advance of the money going into your bank account.
  • There is no postage or printing cost.
  • All your remittances are to hand, electronically, when you need them for your tax return.

This note applies only to those who have not already sent their email address to the MPF.

image shows a gathering of two ladies and two men at the retirement function. The lady in the middle is hold a beautiful boquet of flpwers. They are all smiling towards the camera.
Chief Executive Pat O’Doherty and PA to CE Noreen Walsh pictured with Padraig and his wife Marie.

image shoes two men shaking hads ans smilingtowards the camera.
Pat wishes Padraig well on his retirement.

Retirement of Chief Executive, Padraig McManus

MANAGEMENT AND STAFF, current and retired, Secretaries General and Regulators North and South past and present, Trade Unions Leaders and distinguished guests gathered in Head Office to pay tribute and bid farewell to our former Chief Executive, Padraig McManus on Thursday January 19th last.

Newly appointed Chief Executive, Pat O’Doherty, welcomed Padraig’s wife Marie, children Mark and Trina, daughter-in-law Anna, as well as his brothers and sisters to the event.

The Chief Executive commenced his speech by saying that “by any reckoning Padraig has given extraordinary leadership and service to ESB”.

He went on to highlight the following aspects of Padraig’s family, education and career:

The son of Jim McManus, an ESB engineer from Newry and Ann Reid from Belfast, Padraig was born in Dublin but the family moved to Naas when he was seven years old. He adopted Kildare as his true home.

From a young age Padraig was a keen GAA follower, taking part in both hurling and football in his school and college years.

After studying Electrical Engineering at UCD, Padraig and a number of his fellow-graduates went on to join ESB. Amongst them was our dear colleague, Luke Shinnors. The loss of Luke last year was a huge blow particularly to Padraig as their friendship went back to their early secondary school days in Naas.

Padraig joined ESB in 1973 and in 1975 he took a year’s leave of absence to work in Germany where he remained until the end of 1976.

After a period working in Saudi Arabia, he returned to Dublin in 1983 to work on the Jubail project. From 1986 to 1990 Padraig worked in Ghana on a World Bank project, based in the capital Accra.

In 1994, Padraig was appointed to the position of HR Manager Business Services and played a key role in the CCR negotiations which delivered huge change and cost savings for ESB. In 1997 he was appointed MD of ESB International.

In 2001 he became Group Commercial Director and in this role he led the all-important PACT negotiations which continued the transformation of the company. PACT paved the way for many of the changes and developments which would occur during his time as Chief Executive. Through CCR and PACT, Padraig clearly saw the huge benefits of working in Partnership with the Trade Unions based on a shared understanding and mutual respect.

Padraig was appointed Chief Executive in 2002 and the CE said that ESB’s achievements since then are ample testament to Padraig’s extraordinary leadership and guidance:

  • ESB’s enterprise value has been increased from €2.6 billion to €12 billion.
  • The company has paid dividends of €1.2 Billion to the Exchequer.
  • We have invested €1 billion annually, most of it in Ireland in vital energy infrastructure.
  • A ground-breaking agreement was reached on ESB’s pension fund difficulties.
  • Our Networks have been renewed to best international standards.
  • The electricity market has been radically transformed and the All Island Single Electricity Market is now firmly embedded.
  • Our Generation portfolio has been modernised and a significant wind renewables business has been added to our conventional generation fleet.
  • The Electric Ireland brand has been successfully launched and ESB now has an All Island Electricity and Gas retail business.
  • Through ESB International we have expanded outside of our home market with investments in Spain, Great Britain and Northern Ireland to a point where ESBI now has an annual turnover of €100 million.
  • ESB acquired NIE, the Northern Ireland transmission and distribution business of the Viridian Group. At a value of in excess of €1.2Bn, this is the biggest corporate transaction in our history.

The Chief Executive said that for Padraig a core value of maintaining the financial strength of ESB and this has been done despite the worst recession in decades. In the past year alone, we have raised over €1.3Bn – money that will be used to finance vital investment for the support of this economy and the benefit of the public.

Padraig also oversaw some very strategic disposals including:

  • ESB Retail to Bank of Scotland
  • The UK Contracts business
  • The Public Lighting business to Scottish and Southern Energy and
  • The Sale of Power Stations to Spanish Utility Endesa – this following an agreement with CER to facilitate new market entry and reduce ESB Generation dominance.

In relation to Safety, Padraig led by example right from the start. Over the past 10 years, there has been a near tenfold decrease in the number of injuries to ESB staff.

Under Corporate Strategy 2020, ESB became the first energy company in Europe to set a date of 2035 to de-carbonise its generation activities.

Padraig also set a goal to make ESB an exemplary company in sustainability. In October 2011, he was presented, on behalf of ESB, with certification to the new Business Working Responsibly Sustainability Standard. ESB was among only four Irish companies to achieve this.

Padraig ensured that ESB and its staff were able to make a broader contribution to Irish society and one illustration of this is the strong portfolio of sponsorships which we have built North and South.

Padraig also very actively supported ESB’s staff development fund, Electric-Aid which provides aid to projects in developing countries as well as nationally. He established ElectricAid Ireland through which ESB and ESB staff support those working to counter homelessness and suicide. He also introduced the ESB Disability Traineeship Programme, which is now in its sixth year.

In 2007 Padraig decided to mark ESB’s 80th birthday by refurbishing a number of schools in the most deprived suburbs of Accra in Ghana. The schools were utterly derelict, with no electricity, sanitation or running water. ESB project managers and volunteers worked on wiring, tiling, painting, landscaping and completion of the schools. Today, thousands of children attend these schools in unimaginably improved circumstances. Some 200 volunteers from ESB went to Ghana over the period of the schools’ projects, raising significant funds themselves and for each of them it was a truly great personal experience.

Concluding his speech the Chief Executive reminded the huge attendance that Padraig’s tenure has been a period of unprecedented change in our company and in our industry.

In reply Padraig thanked the Board, management and staff for their support over the years in bringing ESB to the successful company it is today. He outlined the good memories and successes shared but also one of his darkest moments – when staff colleagues Mike Healy and Pat McCrohan lost their lives in a tragic accident in Tarbert Power Station, early in his tenure in 2003. His continuing contact with their families has been something he cherishes.

He spoke about good friends and relationships through the years and remembered colleagues sadly passed. Padraig warmly wished Pat O’Doherty, as the new Chief Executive, and the management and staff of ESB continued success in the years ahead.

We wish Padraig, Marie and family happiness and health as they move into the next phase of their lives together.