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Services and Electric Ireland

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image shows a lady and four men standing around a water coller and looking at the camera. Behind the myou can see a blue and white banner that says
Pictured are Shane and Donal Garrihy from Wild about Water with one of the new POU Water Units and Grainne Carroll, Dave Dowling and Joe Mescall, of ESB, following the recent award of a national tender for all ESB premises to the company WAW. They will now replace the incumbent suppliers Tipperary for bottled, and The Watermill for filtered plumbed water. Facilities Services, Procurement and Sustainability Group have asked WAW to undertake an audit of all ESB sites to determine where filtered plumbed water can be installed and so reduce / eliminate our use of bottled water on sites. This will be a major help in reducing our dependence on bottled water and reducing the carbon footprint associated with the transport, delivery and manufacture of plastic bottles for the industry. Following the survey we intend to involve the sustainability champions in the roll out of the programme.

Number Twenty Nine celebrates 20th Birthday!

NO 29 CELEBRATED its 20th birthday with an open day and free entry for visitors on Tuesday July 12th. No 29, ESB’s Georgian House Museum in partnership with the National Museum of Ireland, opened to the public on 12th July 1991 as part of celebrations marking Dublin’s status as European Cultural Capital of the Year. The museum tells the story of Dublin home life and gives an insight into those upstairs and downstairs during the period 1790 to 1820. The interior houses wonderful examples of Irish decorative and fine arts.

image shows 5 people, 3 ladies and two men at a table in number 29. They are all looking at the camera and one lady in the middle of thr group is cutting the birthdaty cake that is sitting on the table in front of them
Pictured cutting the Birthday cake are: (l-r): National Museum of Ireland Keeper of Decorative & Fine Arts Michael Kenny, No 29 Guide Emma Hopper (in period costume), National Museum of Ireland Assistant Keeper of Decorative & Fine Arts Sandra Mc Elroy , No 29 Guide James Corr (in period costume) and Pauline Holland Manager No 29.

images showd a lady and a man in number 29, they are in period dress. She is sitting on a chair and he is standing beside her with his hand rested in the chair.
No 29 Guides James Corr and Emma Hopper at the event.

Visit for further information.

Centre of School partnership

image shows a large gathering of children and adults in a class romm. Some of the children at the front are holding up paintings.
In the foreground with the pupils and teachers of Catherine McAuley National School are School Principal Paula Treacy, ESB Services & Electric Ireland Executive Director Brid Horan and No.29 Manager Pauline Holland.

A STUDENTS’ ART exhibition at Catherine McAuley National School in Baggot Street, Dublin was opened by Services and Electric Ireland Executive Director Brid Horan on Thursday June 23rd.

The wonderful exhibition included a work of art by each student that was designed to fit into a shoe box. The exhibition was inspired from workshops and many visits to No 29 by the teachers and students who modelled their art on the history, artefacts, architectural and decorative interiors related to No 29. This partnership has evolved into a great informal ‘living learning’ method for students on topics of history, architecture and design. The exhibition is one of the highlights of a series of school events where parents are invited to view their children’s work at the end of term. The collaborative project, managed by Pauline Holland, Manager No 29, has grown from strength to strength since it began in 2003.



GENERATE SOME POSITIVE vibes and get together with family and friends to celebrate ESB Electric Ireland Positive Ageing Week 2011.

From Friday 23rd of September to Saturday 1st October 2011 Age Action, sponsored by ESB Electric Ireland, will celebrate Positive Ageing in Ireland. Positive Ageing Week (PAW) is a festival which highlights the positive aspects of ageing and celebrates the contribution older people have made and continue to make to their communities.

As part of PAW, Age Action and ESB Electric Ireland will mark UN International Day of Older Persons which takes place on 1st October. This is the 8th year ESB has sponsored PAW and each year the event has grown from strength to strength. Last year over 1,000 recorded events took place around the country and going on the responses received to date this year the festival will be bigger and better with at least 1250 events and activities planned to take place across Ireland, including Northern Ireland.

Age Action and ESB Electric Ireland encourages every community to organise an event during PAW as a way of demonstrating that as a nation we are living longer and that ageing is not a burden but an opportunity.

For more information on how you can get involved log onto

image shoes an older man with a group of children, they are all playing musical instruments. He has a little girl on his knoee who is playing a gutiar. They are all smiling and laughing

Minister guest speaker at Smurfit Business Breakfast

image shoes a lady and three men gathered around a table that has a cake on it, they are all looking at the camera and smiling
Minister Pat Rabbitte was the speaker at the recent ESB Electric Ireland-sponsored UCD Marketing Development Programma Business Breakfast. Pictured are: Dean of the Smurfit Business School Tom Begley, Services and Electric Ireland Executive Director Brid Horan and Minister for Communications, Energy and Natural Resources Pat Rabbitte TD and ESB Chief Executive Padraig McManus cutting a cake to celebrate the 21st event in the Breakfast series.