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Audio version


Dec 2010 / Jan 2011

Energy International

workshop for senior management
Generation Operations, page 27

Crisis Management Exercise at ESBI


ESBI’S THIRD ANNUAL crisis management exercise took place on Friday October 15th in the company’s Crisis Management Centre at Stephen Court.

The exercise commenced at 8:50am following notification to ESBI’s Crisis Management Team (CMT) that a major incident had occurred at its Coolkeeragh power station in Co. Derry. As part of the Crisis Management Plan, the CMT mobilised and commenced dealing with the simulated incident by gathering and validating information. As the exercise progressed, key issues were identified and resolved through live crisis planning and the management of stakeholder relationships with key parties including ESB Corporate Affairs, staff, next-of-kin and senior management teams.

The exercise also included several elements and scenarios that were role-played via telephone, web and media injects. In addition to ongoing management of the simulated incident, the CMT was also responsible for devising strategies to mitigate the incident and to assess its impact on business.

During the course of the exercise, ESBI’s risk consultants, Risk Management International (RMI), monitored and recorded the CMT’s response and decision-making process. New scenarios were also introduced as the exercise unfolded including a simulated ‘live’ television interview, carried out by media relations experts Communiqué International, with ESB Corporate Communications Manager Brian Montayne.

The four-hour exercise was followed by a review by RMI that identified key areas for improvement.

“The simulation was very informative and highlighted several ways in which we can improve our crisis management planning. The exercise again demonstrated the importance of having a dedicated Business Continuity Coordinator, trained crisis management staff and systems available for handling such an event,” said ESBI’s newly appointed Crisis Management Team Leader Vincent Flynn.

The objectives of the exercise were to test ESBI’s incident escalation process and identify areas of improvement in ESBI’s Crisis Management Plan, and in this respect the exercise was very successful. Thank you to all who participated, particularly ESB Corporate Communications, RMI and all ESB and ESBI staff.

ESBI’s CMT in action during the recent simulated exercise at the Stephen Court Crisis Management Centre.

Delegates from the congerence pictured outside the building where the confernce was help.- see caption below.
Delegates from Generation Operations and ESBI O&M Solutions pictured at the first ESBEI Generation Technical Conference.
Photo of Nicolas Tarrent makinga presentation at the conference.
Nicholas Tarrant, Manager Generation Operations, presenting at the conference.

ESBI Safety conference

News, page 20

Donal Crean (standing) in discussion with safety conference participants, including Glenn Pope, Haulie Storan, Sean Rynne, Senan Colleran and Ciaran McManus.

First ESBEI Power Plant Managers’ conference a major success


GENERATION OPERATIONS (GO) and ESBI O&M Solutions are responsible for operating and maintaining power stations in Ireland and internationally on behalf of ESB Energy International. On 19th November, the two groups held their first joint conference, and the one-day event proved a major success.

Attendees comprised the senior management teams plant managers from Irish and international stations, and the main objective of the conference centred around sharing of expertise and best practices in plant operations & maintenance. Workshops on key issues of common interest were also held with a particular focus on Process Safety and Overhaul Management.

Pat O’Doherty, Executive Director, ESB Energy International attended the full conference and in his opening address gave an update on Energy International’s business looking forward, with a key emphasis on delivering high performance across the directorate.

Earlier in the month, a similar knowledge-share exercise took place with the first joint GO/ESBI Plant Chemists’ conference. The event involved chemists sharing experiences and challenges on a wide range of technical topics including gas turbine inlet air and compressor monitoring, lube oil varnishing issues, and boiler water steam chemistry management. Several external presenters added valuable input from perspectives of chemical suppliers, water treatment and chemical instrumentation manufacturers.

Both conferences were major successes and similar initiatives are planned for the future.

Photo of Pat O
Pat O’Doherty, Executive Director ESBEI addressing the conference.

delegates at the confernece listen to the speakers. - see caption below.
Glenn Pope, Manager Moneypoint and Vincent Flynn, Manager ESBI O&M Solutions, listen to presentations during the ESBEI Generation Technical Conference.

delegates at the confernece listen to the speakers. - see caption below.
Damian O’Neill, ESBI, Tom Lee, General Manager Kulim and Roy Reid, Plant Manager, Amorebieta.