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Dec 2010 / Jan 2011

Sustainability Update


Eddie McDonnell, Paddy Okeefe and Bernie Johnes gathered around a computer in ESB Finglas.
Eddie McDonnell demonstrating the new energy monitoring system in Finglas to local Sustainability Champions Paddy O’Keeffe and Bernie Jones.

Sustainability – Monitoring energy usage in Networks premises

REDUCING THE internal carbon footprint of our buildings is one of the major priorities of the Networks Sustainability programme. In our continuing drive to reduce energy consumption and improve energy efficiency, energy monitoring systems are to be trialled in a number of the larger Networks premises.

For instance a new system has recently been installed in Finglas. Using powerful and user-friendly web enabled interfaces and graphical outputs, energy load and consumption on individual circuits such as those feeding the canteen, communications room, and individual floors can be easily monitored, measured and ultimately managed. This system will help identify areas where further remedial works and efficiencies can be applied.

A separate system, presently being installed in Leopardstown Road, is due to be commissioned within the next few weeks. A third system is also planned for the Training Centre in Portlaoise. If these prove successful, the intention would be to roll out energy management systems to other ESB Networks premises in the New Year.

According to Eddie McDonnell, who is managing the project, the new systems “will be a big help in our ongoing efforts to reduce energy consumption and should help us considerably identify specific areas that we need to address and focus in on”.

Improving Energy Efficiency – everyone has a role to play

At the end of October, energy consumption in Networks’ premises was down 5.1% on the same period 2009. As we head into the cold winter months, a renewed focus along with the continuing support of all Networks staff will be required if the 2010 target of a 10% reduction in energy consumption on 2009 is to be achieved.

Everyone has a role to play and can make a positive contribution. In particular, the following simple actions can help:

  • Try to minimise energy usage during “unoccupied” periods e.g. nights, weekends
  • Remember to “Switch off” lights and heating when not required and not in use, particularly in unoccupied rooms, meeting rooms and remote buildings
  • ‘Switch off and power down’ the following at the end of the working day

– PCs and peripherals

– Printers and photocopiers

– Plug in fans/portable heaters

According to Paddy Hamill, Networks Sustainability Manager, “there is a real appetite building up for Sustainability in Networks; if we all pull together and all play our part, then we can make a real difference and build on the significant successes already achieved”.

ESB Networks staff help make Cavan Green Fleadh a success

FLEADH CHEOIL na hÉireann 2010 was held in Cavan Town in August, for the first time since 1954. Comhaltas Ceoiltoirí Éireann worked closely with Cavan County and Town Councils and with commercial, community and sporting groups in its preparation of the event. The director of events was Cavan County Manager Jack Keyes.

Over 10 days, the Fleadh attracted an attendance in excess of 300,000 people, 140 competitions were held in 22 venues throughout the town and 3,000 people, from all over the world, competed.

This year’s event was promoted as the ‘Green Fleadh’ and Cavan County Council, supported by ESB Networks Sustainability Champions, promoted energy saving with small businesses in the town. John Campion launched the Green Fleadh by charging an ESB electric car at the port outside the courthouse. This event generated huge local interest and coverage in papers and radio.

ESB Networks staff, their families and retired staff, were involved in organising the event. They worked on various committees, organising and planning the event as volunteers in their own time. Others took part in competitions and performed in the many seisiúin during the week.

Preceding the event, local ESB Networks staff planned and provided temporary power supplies for venues, set up mobile generation for the arena and erected the infrastructure for the e-vehicle charging point. Special procedures were put in place to ensure that the local distribution networks were available at full capacity at all times for the period of the Fleadh.

Cavan 38kV Station site occupies a prominent position entering the town. The station is undergoing a major refurbishment at present. ESB Networks Project staff, on foot of a request from the Fleadh Committee, carried out major face-lift of the station works site. The result was complimented by the Fleadh Committee. Camouflage netting, hedge-trimming and the planting of decorative shrubs improved its appearance and all was put in place promptly.

ESB Networks staff can feel proud that their efforts contributed to the announcement that the 2011 Fleadh will also be staged in Cavan due to the overwhelming success of this year’s Fleadh. Particular thanks are due to Sean O’Connell, John Molloy, Peter Lambe, Peter Connolly, Brendan Kiernan, Ciaran McBrian and all the Cavan staff for their efforts in ensuring that ESB supported the smooth running of the Fleadh. In Cavan, we now look forward to hosting Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann 2011.

Dublin North Partnership promotes Safety

(l-r): Walter Keady, Deirdre McKenna, Garda Jim McAllister, Antoinette Lacey, Mary Moyles and Ita Johnston at the presentation.

AS PART OF Health & Safety Week, the Dublin North Partnership Group arranged for Garda Sergeant Jim McAllister of the Road Safety Unit to address staff in Finglas. The presentation took place on Tuesday October 19th and the Sergeant addressed the topics of Driving for Work and general day-today driving.

His presentation was most informative and carried strong messages on the importance of driving at a speed appropriate to the conditions. Sergeant McAllister also gave statistics to support that the reduction in speed leads to a reduction in road deaths in the event of an accident.

Paul Maloney graduation

PAUL MALONEY’S Graduation took place in the Library Hall in the RDS on Friday November 12th. His two-year long night course, offered by the National College of Ireland (NCI), was in first-line management and on completion of the course he was award a HET AC certificate equivalent to a level six qualification.