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Dec 2010/Jan 2011

WINTERCARE : Safe driving - it’s MY responsibility…

ESB Safe Driving Bureau staff receiving the their award on stage at the event - see caption below.
(l-r): Pat Gilbride, Generation Operations, Ronan Collier, Corporate Centre, Noel Rushe, Telecoms, Tadhg Crowley, Safe Driving Bureau, Patricia Drummond, Safe Driving Bureau, Gay Byrne, Chairman, RSA, Grainne Coogan, Safe Driving Bureau, Conal Bonnar, Fleet and Equipment, Ollie Brogan, Acting Executive Director, Group HR and Garda Martin Callinan, Deputy Commissioner in Charge of Operations.

ESB WINS: ‘Leading Lights in Road Safety’ Award



The Road Safety Authority paid tribute to ESB’s Safe Driving initiatives during Irish Road Safety Week in October

ESB HAS WON the ‘Leading Lights in Road Safety’ award for 2010 in the Business Category, for its commitment to ensuring that staff and members of the public are safe on the roads at all times. This award is a very welcome recognition of ESB’s ongoing safe driving programmes ‘Safe Driving – it’s my responsibility’ and ‘Achieving Road Safety Excellence’.

The Leading Lights in Road Safety Awards, hosted by the Road Safety Authority, celebrate the outstanding efforts of people to improve road safety in their communities. The awards ceremony took place on Wednesday 13th October 2010 in Dublin Castle and were presented by the Chairman of the Road Safety Authority, Gay Byrne.

Ollie Brogan, Acting Executive Director HR, and members of the Safe Driving Steering Group accepted the award on behalf of ESB.

Advanced Driving update

The on-road Advanced Driving programme is about to recommence following the appointment of three new service providers in November. A number of pilot courses will take place during December, with the official relaunch of the programme scheduled for the New Year. Watch this space for details in the February edition of EM.

Photo of Grainnie Googan

Drivers’ Handbooks These handbooks have been developed for Fleet and Private Drivers. The handbooks consolidate ESB Safe Driving Policies, as well as providing advice and guidelines on a variety of driving issues. They are currently in production and distribution of these should be completed early in the New Year.

Winter Driving Reminder It is a wise move to have your vehicle fully serviced at the beginning of winter or at least winter checked, this good timing will ensure your vehicle is in optimum condition.

Light up Use your Daytime Running Lights (dipped lights) so that you are making yourself more visible, thereby reducing the likelihood of a crash.

Keep your distance Remember; ‘only a fool breaks the 2 second rule’ say it twice in wet conditions and at least four times in icy or snowy conditions. Leave yourself more time to complete the journey.

In December 2009 and in January 2010, numerous skidding incidents were reported to the Safe Driving Bureau, from both fleet drivers and private drivers.

How to Avoid Skids Watch out for black ice, especially in sheltered/shaded areas, under trees and adjacent to high walls. Other potential skid traps are wet leaves, exposed bends, bridges and also higher ground. Reduce speed as soon as you see a potential skid spot.

What to do if you do find yourself skidding

  • Don’t brake fast under any circumstance - if it’s too late and you have already braked, release the brakes immediately, then reapply gently.
  • Reduce acceleration but don’t take your foot off the accelerator completely.
  • If your vehicle skids and slews sideways -Turn the steering wheel in the same direction as the skid and ease off the accelerator at the same time.
  • Avoid over correction with too much steering.
  • Use the highest gears possible under the conditions, and as you gently brake, move down in your gears to come to a gradual halt.

For more information email or visit the Safe Driving Website: http://esbnet/safedriving/

The big picture

By working together, Europe and North Africa could provide all of their electricity requirements from renewable sources by 2050


That’s the conclusion of a panel of experts led by consultants Pricewaterhouse Coopers whose report, 100% Renewable Electricity: A Roadmap to 2050 for Europe and North Africa, was launched in November.

Currently, Europe obtains just 15 per cent of its electricity from renewable sources, with fossil fuels (55 per cent) and nuclear (30 per cent) making up the balance.

By looking at the synergies of a cross-national electricity system using smart grid technologies, the report highlights the solar potential of southern Europe and the Sahara, the hydroelectric capacity of mountainous and glacial regions such as the Alps and Scandinavia, the potential of wind generation – especially in the Baltic and North Seas, wave power on the Atlantic coasts, and biomass in general.

With unified power markets on both continents working together, the report looks toward a future of clean energy production for Europe and transformative social and economic development across North Africa.

A 100 per cent renewable strategy, apart from obvious climate benefits, has the potential to answer supply and security concerns while simultaneously addressing energy poverty in the developing economies of North Africa.

The challenges – in national policy, market integration and infrastructure development are enormous, but the report sets out a road map of achievable targets which, if met, could make this ambitious vision a reality.

Ten thousand points of light

The Indian government has announced that it will bring electricity to 10,000 remote villages using renewable resources over the next 18 months.

The Indian Minister for New and Renewable Energy, Farooq Abdullah, told the Delhi International Renewable Energy Conference that Rs 500 crore (€8.2 million) has been allocated for the project.

In a scaleable process that bears some similarities to the microfinance initiatives that have transformed local economies in the developing world, a variety of technologies will be employed based on local conditions. One person in each village will be appointed to supervise and maintain the mini generation facility established.

The same renewable energy technologies that contribute to carbon reduction in the developed world can now bring new opportunities to places too remote to ever have been served by the national grid.

Here’s a kilowatt I made earlier…

In Malaysia, a new feed-intariff will enable individuals to earn income by selling electricity generated from renewable resources at home.

While selling electricity back to the grid is not a new idea, the Malaysian approach is innovative in other respects. National project team leader Ahmad Hadri Haris explains that consumers need only provide 10 per cent of the cost of the installation, with the balance coming from a bank loan.

Describing a typical household example, he says: “The monthly income generated will be RM696 (€163) and the monthly repayment is RM456 (€107) to the bank, thus earning consumers a net cash of RM240 (€56) per month.”

The scheme is part of the Malaysian government’s plan to boost the renewable portion of the national energy mix to 5.5 per cent by 2015 (from less than 1 per cent in 2009) and to 11 per cent by 2020.