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Aug/Sept 2010

Energy Solutions

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your photos!
Check out the Image In-box, Life, pg 35

Preview image, lady with Camera

Positive Ageing Photography Competition


FIRST PRIZE in the Age Action competition went to Joanne Dunne for her image ‘pushing through the years’ The theme for this years competition was gernerations together and Joannes photograph fitted the bill perfectly. It depicts grandmother Paula Dunne being pushed on a swing by her granddaughter Ali Murphy.

All competition entries can be viewed on the Age Action website-

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Michael Begley, ESB Customer Supply, lends a hand to the Age Action Ireland Photo Competition.

ElectricAID Ireland donates to STORM Initiative

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Brid Horan, Executive Director, Energy Solutions, presented a cheque to Veronica Mahon, Senior Project Worker, Ballyfermot Advance Project on behalf of ElectricAID Ireland. The funds will go towards their STORM initiative – a suicide and self harm prevention programme.

ESB's new online store

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Staff involved in development of the online store celebrating the completion of the project.


WANT TO buy reliable energy saving products from someone you know and trust, at competitive prices, without leaving your home?

The new ESB Online Store offers a range of practical products to enable customers to save money and energy at home; from heating and lighting inside, to the garden and living outside. The store also provides products to help increase safety at home and a few ‘cool’ and ‘alternative’ products too.

The new online store is a full retail operation with processes such as product procurement, pricing, warehousing, fulfilment, marketing, IT, etc. The project has been delivered ahead of schedule through the great work of people across a number of business units: CRM in Customer Supply, Energy Services, ICT, ITS, Legal and Procurement. We are partnering with Buy4Now, an Irish company with a great track record in online shopping solutions.

The store launches to customers on Wednesday September 1st, but there will be a ‘soft launch’ internally in ESB in August. ESB Online-Store Manager, Ray O’Mullane, says, “We are really excited about this online initiative and the opportunity to further help customers save money and energy. We want to give our customers the best experience possible so we are asking all staff to check out the store and give us feedback before we launch to customers!”

The online store provides a channel for ESB Customer Supply to engage with customers in a new way and for Energy Solutions to promote their products and services as well as demonstrating our commitment to sustainability.

Preview of online store website home page

Our website address will be from Wednesday September 1st. In the meantime, we will email staff when the store goes live.

E&D luck of the draw

Energy solutions, page 12



As a pilot to promote the uptake of mymeeting@ESB in Customer Supply, a dedicated and private Webex Room has been set up in Estuary House for Limerick Customer Supply staff. Mymeeting@ESB enables ESB staff from different locations see each other, hold a meeting and share information on screen in real-time without ever leaving their buildings. The room has a computer and webcam, a printer and a projector (to facilitate larger groups) permanently set up.

Training on mymeeting@ESB is available from Kevin Ryan Ext. 55146, Sustainability Champion Estuary House.

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Kevin Ryan, sustainability champion, in the new Webex Room at Estuary house in Limerick.