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Aug/Sept 2010



ESB GAA All-Ireland – football sevens

Pairc Uí Chiaráin,
Saturday September 11th 2010

2009 Winners – Naas
Runners Up – Athlone/Dundalk
Ladies Football Competition

2009 Winners – ESBI
Runners Up – ICT

Entry Fee €400 per panel
Team entries
(Panel of 10 players
+ 2 mentors max.)
to be e-mailed or posted
Colum Grogan – Sponsorships 4th Floor D Block Head Office
Tel 27486

John O’Riordan – ICT Group Head
Office Tel 27557

Hugh Connaughton – Room 519
Clanwilliam Tel 27146

Christy Goulding – Finglas
Tel 42214

Closing date for Panel Entries
Friday August 20th 2010

Competition commences
at 11.30am and Final fixed for 5.30pm approx.
Presentation Dinner takes
place in the Shamrock Lodge
Hotel & Country Club, Athlone,
at 7.30pm approx.
Followed by Ceol agus Craic.

MaleTteam shot

Female Team shot

EAP – has a new team member

Energy Solutions, page 13

ElectricAid raises €415k

ElectricAid's Haiti Appeal six months on

ElectricAid Project Update


ELECTRICAID'S Special Appeal for Haiti raised a fantastic €415,000 from the ESB community – staff, retired staff and the company itself. We have spent every cent in helping the people of Haiti in their darkest hour.

The following is an initial accounting of what we have done with your money, making a real and tangible difference for thousands of our fellow men, women and children.

At the outset, we concentrated on speedy emergency medical relief and €45,000 for our long-term partner, Partners in Health (PIH), provided on-the-ground emergency help within a week of the earthquake. We also provided funding for equipment for a dedicated Irish orthopaedic team to work with PIH and for a power supply for a centre for children with disabilities run by the indefatigable Gena Heraghty. Our main body of funding concentrated on shelter, rehabilitation and reconstruction. Communal shelters, schools and hospitals were helped in the rebuilding effort, and the needs of some of the million internally displaced people were also met.

See the table below detailing all our fundings – and take a bow, one and all. Even in these harder economic times, you have risen to the challenge and reached out with generosity to the suffering people of Haiti. On their behalf, and on behalf of ElectricAid, thank you.

We have asked our partner organisations for full reports by the end of the summer – so keep an eye on the ElectricAid intranet site for more.

As per caption
Madame Roland holds her grandchild, Saintanise, as she watches farmers learn about beekeeping near her house in the village of Lacedras, during an Oxfam-sponsored training session. After the January earthquake destroyed so much of Haiti's capital, the rest of the country has felt the impact as residents fled the capital to find shelter elsewhere. This small region has about 11,000 new residents.

Agency Project Description
Partners in Health Emergency post-earthquake medical relief, Port au Prince
Partners in Health Haiti Earthquake – 2nd funding of PIH
Irish Orthopaedic Haiti Fund Special Appeal for Haiti: Medical equipment emergency medical effort
Partners in Health Oxygen Concentrator System for rebuilt hospital in Mirebalais

As per caption
A view of destroyed homes from a neighbourhood in Port-au-Prince. The earthquake rocked a city riddled with shantytowns and was so severe that even some of the most stable buildings – including the national palace and a hospital – crumbled. Oxfam has trained ten engineers on damage assessment of houses. Oxfam and the School of Architecture at the University of Quesquiya in Port-au-Prince are collaborating on a student design competition for a multi family transitional shelter.

As per caption
Displaced resident of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. The UN estimates that over 1.5 million people are currently homeless and living in makeshift camps around the country. Since the earthquake Oxfam has provided aid to 421,000 individuals; this includes the distribution of plastic sheeting and shelter that has reached 98,500 people.

As per caption
One of the farmers who participates in the seed distribution project in the town of Desvarieux. Hundreds of families are supporting extra family and friends who were forced to flee the earthquake in Port-au-Prince.