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Aug/Sept 2010


Editor's desk

Head Shot

Hello and welcome
to the Aug/Sept issue of EM.

A NUMBER of very interesting events took place over the Summer in ESB's House 29, or ‘No. 29’ as it is more commonly known, and a flavour of some of these events is included in this issue of EM.

To those of you who know No. 29, you will be familiar with the wonderful work being carried out there by Pauline, Kieran and the team. The love with which they take care of the treasures entrusted to them is amazing and each and every team member goes the extra mile to make the experience of your visit truly enjoyable.

Besides a tour of the house itself, there is an introductory video for visitors that describes the house and its history. You can browse in the shop located in the basement and pick up some wonderful Irish souvenirs to take home. Whether on a tour of the house, or if you are just passing by, you can enjoy a cup of tea or coffee in the lovely tea room and sample some of the delicacies sourced by the staff.

No. 29 has played host to many internal and external events over the years and is a terrific backdrop for cultural events in particular.

It also welcomes thousands of visitors each year and is of course very well appointed at the corner of Mount Street, Lower Fitzwilliam Street and Merrion Square.

To those of you not familiar with No. 29, make sure you put it on your ‘things to do’ list and visit at your earliest occasion. You will be glad you did and Pauline, Kieran and the team will be delighted to welcome you.

EM welcomes news, views, articles, letters, photos and feedback on any topic. All submitted articles should preferably be e-mailed.

Please contact:
Bernie Healy, Editor
T (01) 702 7402 (office)
extn. 27402 (internal)
M 087 261 5514
F (01) 676 0727
internal outlook address:
external email address:

Anne Deignan
Administrative Assistant
T (01) 702 6282 (office)
extn. 26282 (internal)
M 087 280 6615 (mobile)
F (01) 676 0727
internal outlook address:
external email address:

Closing date:

Competitions and crosswords must be returned by September 15th

Deadlines: The deadline for articles, photos, etc. for the next issue is September 15th. We are always delighted to receive items for publication.

Published by Corporate Affairs, ESB.

Produced by
Zahra Publishing Ltd.
First Floor, Barker House,
Church Road, Greystones,
Co. Wicklow.

The views expressed in EM are not necessarily those of ESB.

ESB supports recycling Please recycle this paper

Draw results

SPORTSCO June 2010 draw
Prize Name, Location
€3,000 Marion Carney, Galway
€1,500 Marguerita Horgan, Retired
€1,000 James O'Sullivan, Cork
€200 Robert Cooper, Retired
€200 Cormac Collins, Kerry
€200 Seamus Cannon, Donegal
€200 Colm Christie, Retired
€200 Anthony Hilliard, Retired
€200 George Lawlor, Retired

SPORTSCO July 2010 draw
Prize Name, Location
€3,000 Anthony McClelland, Wilton
€1,500 Thomas Quinn, Retired
€1,000 Bernadette Brennan, Retired
€200 Richard Darcy, Retired
€200 Joseph Dunne, Retired
€200 David O'Mara, VSS
€200 John O'Reilly, Retired
€200 Padraig O'Conaill, Retired
€200 Derek Ball, Finglas

MADSOC May 2010 draw
Prize Name, Location
€2000 Willie Bridgeman (07264)
€150 Damien Gardiner (14467)
€150 Anne Marie O’Connor ( 09336)
€150 Michael Duggan (04689)
€150 Martin Courtney (12419)
€150 David Shiels (18940)

ElectricAid's Haiti Appeal six months on…

News, pg 07

Letters to the Editor

PLEASE PASS on my compliments to your staff Joe Roche, John Healy, Jason Cronin and Ger Sweeney who did a first class job, on a day that was less than kind, weatherwise, were most cooperative and helpful and complied with our company safety systems in a cheerful manner. They are all a credit to the ESB.

I would also like to say a particular thank you to John his assistance over the course of several meetings.

Best regards

Joe Carroll
Engineering Department
Irish Distillers Pernod Ricard
Midleton Distilleries

shows landscape with green grass and windmills in the background

West Durham and Devon wind farm acquisition

ESB WIND DEVELOPMENT signed contracts in June for the major works on the Fullabrook windfarm in Devon in Southwest England. The project will be a 66MW windfarm and will be completed in late 2011.

As part of the renewables strategy the company is investing in wind energy projects in the UK and has acquired the 24MW operating West Durham wind farm, the 66MW consented Fullabrook wind farm and the 34.5MW consented Mynydd y Betws wind farm in South Wales.

Major construction on Fullabrook is scheduled to start just after the summer tourist season and the windfarm will be operational in the second half of 2011. Contracts signed in June were for supply of turbines (Vestas) and the electrical balance-of-plant works (Gaeltec-KTL).

Team sitting around a table as per caption
Front row (l-r): Sean Hegarty, Project Director; Neil Parry, Vestas; Joe O'Mahony, Head of Wind Development and Brian Ryan, Development Manager. Back row (l-r): Donie Cahalane, Procurement Lead, Ken Boyne, Technical Lead, Quentin Dennis, Legal counsel and Peter McLellan, Commercial Lead.

Head Shot

How to make the most of IT
by Eddie Nally

Use conditional formatting in Excel to identify values