Onside Issue 6 - 34
the rule book
Seneca Trade Partners are shaking up the market
Since its launch in September 2016, Seneca Trade Partners has been making
waves in the Trade Finance sector with its range of tradition-breaking Trade
Finance and Stock Finance products. Onside spoke to co-founders Chris Divers
(CD) and Chris Williams (CW) to find out more about how they have introduced
genuinely new finance products into a long-established marketplace.
What's the difference between Trade
Finance and Stock Finance? (CD)
What makes Seneca Trade Partners
different? (CD)
Part of what makes educating the market about
our products challenging is that the two terms
are open to interpretation and often used
interchangeably. We view Trade Finance as paying
suppliers for finished goods that have a welldefined sales route - such as buying a container
of goods from China that will be sold to a high
street retailer immediately upon arrival in the
UK. Stock Finance involves funding goods that
are not sold when we buy them, and where the
time between purchase and sale may therefore
be longer. Uniquely, we can fund goods which are
unfinished, including raw materials, which require
additional manufacturing or processing by our
client. We fund both trade and stock situations at
up to 100 per cent loan to value (LTV).
To our knowledge, we are the only UK funder
providing 100 per cent LTV funding on goods that
are not pre-sold and are not finished and where
the stock itself is the primary security, and we
will also fund goods already on a client's balance
sheet at up to 100 per cent LTV.
Readers familiar with specialist stock funding
may also be surprised that we do not use Trust
methodologies in pursuit of retention of title. This
means we buy goods on behalf our clients and let
them handle those goods in line with their existing
processes, without the onerous segregation
requirements in their warehouse which are usual
where goods are provided to clients on a Trust basis.
Perhaps even more surprisingly, in many cases
we allow our clients to collect the sales proceeds
themselves, making our stock funding undisclosed
from the point of view of our client's customer.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Onside Issue 6
Onside Issue 6 - Cover1
Onside Issue 6 - Cover2
Onside Issue 6 - Contents
Onside Issue 6 - 4
Onside Issue 6 - 5
Onside Issue 6 - 6
Onside Issue 6 - 7
Onside Issue 6 - 8
Onside Issue 6 - 9
Onside Issue 6 - 10
Onside Issue 6 - 11
Onside Issue 6 - 12
Onside Issue 6 - 13
Onside Issue 6 - 14
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Onside Issue 6 - Cover3
Onside Issue 6 - Cover4