Onside Issue 6 - 16
Tax Advantaged Investing with Seneca
Whilst our investment record to date places us
amongst the leaders in the sector, many of whom
have been active for far longer than Seneca, the
ultimate measure of any EIS service will be its exit/
returns record, and despite its relative infancy
the EIS Portfolio Service has already delivered a
number of successful exits ranging from 1.8x to
10.5x money multiple.*
We will look to replicate our achievements to date
within the EIS market, through our new VCT fund.
However, whilst new EIS and VCT investments
will remain at the front of our minds, portfolio
company exits for our investors will continue to
be a key focus for the team going forward."
Matt Currie, Investment Executive, believes
Seneca's extensive presence in the north is
the key to a continued high quality deal flow
in the future.
"Our evergreen Portfolio Service has £50 million
under management and we have added other EIS
investments with a further £10 million of capacity.
With the addition of our new VCT we are a key
regional player in the tax advantaged, growth
capital market. We like to work with entrepreneurs
and businesses based in the northern regions of
the UK who have well founded ambitions to take
their next steps.
It's a formula that works well with Seneca's footprint
being very much in the provinces and utilising the
depth and breadth of our network. Our brand
also continues to gather pace and recognition
especially on the back of some excellent returns
for investors and some exceptional companies in
our current Portfolio Service.
With the significant volume of investment
opportunities constantly being reviewed by our
investment team, it is vital that we have a clear
strategy regarding the types of businesses and
transactions we wish to engage in. Whilst our
investment decisions are flexible to some extent,
it is helpful to put parameters in place when
assessing new opportunities."
The adjacent table represents a summary of the
key criteria Seneca's investment team look for
in an investment opportunity. Clearly there are
many other features of the investment to be
considered, however the table on the following
page gives a flavour of the types of businesses
and management teams Seneca looks to support:
Matt Currie
Investment Executive
E matt.currie@senecapartners.co.uk
T 01942 295 981
*Important Information
Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future outcomes. The value of shares can go down as well
as up and you may not get back the original amount you invested. Shares purchased on the Alternative
Investment Market (AIM) carry a higher degree of risk of losing money than other UK shares. The price of
these shares may change quickly and it may also be difficult to obtain reliable information about their value
or the extent of the risks to which they are exposed.
Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of Onside Issue 6
Onside Issue 6 - Cover1
Onside Issue 6 - Cover2
Onside Issue 6 - Contents
Onside Issue 6 - 4
Onside Issue 6 - 5
Onside Issue 6 - 6
Onside Issue 6 - 7
Onside Issue 6 - 8
Onside Issue 6 - 9
Onside Issue 6 - 10
Onside Issue 6 - 11
Onside Issue 6 - 12
Onside Issue 6 - 13
Onside Issue 6 - 14
Onside Issue 6 - 15
Onside Issue 6 - 16
Onside Issue 6 - 17
Onside Issue 6 - 18
Onside Issue 6 - 19
Onside Issue 6 - 20
Onside Issue 6 - 21
Onside Issue 6 - 22
Onside Issue 6 - 23
Onside Issue 6 - 24
Onside Issue 6 - 25
Onside Issue 6 - 26
Onside Issue 6 - 27
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Onside Issue 6 - 30
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Onside Issue 6 - 40
Onside Issue 6 - 41
Onside Issue 6 - 42
Onside Issue 6 - 43
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Onside Issue 6 - 46
Onside Issue 6 - Cover3
Onside Issue 6 - Cover4