ESC Congress 2016 - 1

ESC CONGRESS 2016 IN REVIEW Official Peer-Reviewed Highlights From ESC Congress 2016 LEAD ADVISORS Robert P. Giugliano, MD, SM Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Marc P. Bonaca, MD, MPH Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA Jacob A. Udell, MD, MPH Women's College Hospital, Canada Nihar R. Desai, MD, MPH Yale-New Haven Hospital, USA Matthew Cavender, MD, MPH University of North Carolina, USA Erin A. Bohula May, MD, PhD Brigham and Women's Hospital, USA FEATURED ARTICLE 2 Overview of the 2016 ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines CLInICAL TRIAL HIGHLIGHTS 13 Prophylactic Use of ICD in Patients With Nonischemic Heart Failure: Results From the DANISH Study 14 MORE CARE: Remote Monitoring of Patients With Biventricular Defibrillators Reduces Health Care Utilization Without Compromising Safety 15 REM-HF: The Value of Remote Monitoring for Heart Failure Patients 17 Cardiopoietic Regenerative Therapy in Patients With Ischemic Heart Failure 17 Six Months of DAPT Noninferior to 18 Months of Treatment 18 Platelet Function Monitoring Does Not Improve Outcomes in Stented Elderly Patients: The ANTARCTIC Study 19 The SAVE Study: Quality of Life Improved, but No Reduction in Cardiovascular Events With CPAP Therapy Added to Usual Care 20 NACIAM: N-acetylcysteine Added to Glyceryl Trinitrate Reduces Infarct Size in STEMI 21 LDL-C Targeting for ACS Reduces More CV Events Than Standard Treatment 21 OPTICARE: Examining the Effects of Added Counseling to Standard Cardiac Rehabilitation in Patients With ACS 22 Long-term Exposure to Even Modestly Lower LDL-C and SBP May Significantly Reduce the Lifetime Risk of CVD 24 ODYSSEY ESCAPE: Alirocumab Reduces Frequency of Lipoprotein Apheresis in Patients With HeFH 25 CMR-Guided Management Strategy Reduces Rate of Unnecessary Angiography in CE-MARC 2 Study 26 PET Best Imaging Tool for Diagnosis of Myocardial Ischemia: The PACIFIC Trial 27 PRAGUE-18: No Difference in Outcomes Between Prasugrel and Ticagrelor in Patients With AMI Treated With PCI 28 ENSURE-AF: Edoxaban Safe, Similar Efficacy as Warfarin for AF Cardioversion 29 Andexanet alfa Reverses Factor Xa Activity in Patients With Acute Major Bleeding in ANNEXA-4 Trial 30 Risk Prediction Tool for Identifying Patients in Whom Rule Anticoagulation Can Be Discontinued After Unprovoked VTE Validated in REVERSE II 31 Simplified YEARS Algorithm Reduces Utilization of CT Scan in Patients With Suspected Acute Pulmonary Embolism 32 Screening and Aggressive Prevention in Patients With Multisite Artery Disease Fails to Improve Outcomes: The AMERICA Study SELECTED UPDATES 34 New Drugs in Acute Heart Failure 36 Idarucizumab, Andexanet alfa, and Ciraparantag Open New Era for NOAC Therapy Your FREE access to ESC Congress content all year long PUBLISHER Medicom Medical Publishers Faas Eliaslaan 5 3742 AR, Baarn The Netherlands ESC CONGRESS 2016 IN REVIEW The Publisher does not assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of the information supplied herein, nor for any opinion expressed. The Publisher, its agents, and employees will not be liable for any loss or damage arising directly or indirectly from the possession, publication, use of, or reliance on information obtained from this report. It is provided in good faith without express or implied warranty. Reference to any specific commercial product or service does not imply endorsement or recommendation by the Publisher. All articles are peer-reviewed and protected from any commercial influence. OFFICIAL PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS FROM CARDIOLOGY Tel: +31 85 4012 560 PEER-REVIEWED HIGHLIGHTS Publishing Director Paul Willers Editorial Manager Mariella Franker, PhD Medical Writers Toni Rizzo Maria Vinall Phil Vinall Production Manager Desiree Heijl Graphical Design MOOZ Grafisch Ontwerp Mariella Franker, PhD Desiree Heijl a product of © 2016 Medicom Medical Publishers. All rights reserved. No portion of the content may be reproduced in any form without the prior written permission of Medicom, which may be reached at Dhr. Dr. G.J. Heijnsbroek Am Römerguell 34 D-54634 Bitburg GERMANY Baarn, 23 september 2015 IN THIS ISSUE Overview of the 2016 ESC Clinical Practice Guidelines The European Society of Cardiology launched five new guidelines developed by expert task forces and peer reviewers, covering atrial fibrillation, cardiovascular disease prevention, dyslipidemias, cardio-oncology, and heart failure. These guidelines are updates to the 2012 versions and summarize all the available evidence on the topics, providing a valuable resource for practicing clinicians. Betreft: beëindiging CPD Online registratie/abonnement Geachte dr. Heijnsbroek, Vandaag, 23 september 2015, hebben wij uw bericht ontvangen. ALSO Wij zullen e.e.a. administratief in orde maken en u ontvangt dan nog een officieel bericht van beëindiging This publication is supported van uw CPD Online registratie. by SERVIER in the form of an New groet, Era Hartelijk dank voor uw interesse in ons product, met vriendelijke unrestricted educational grant Medicom Medische Uitgeverij Therapy for NOAC Clinical Trial Highlights Desiree Heijl Coördinatie producten Cover Image: © Medicom Medische Uitgeverij Faas Eliaslaan 5 3742 AR Baarn Nederland ISSN 2468-8762 16:1 POBox 90, 3740AB Baarn, The Netherlands-Tel:+31 854012 560-Fax:+31 854012 569- nr. 32050836 New Drugs in Acute Heart Failure

Table of Contents for the Digital Edition of ESC Congress 2016

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ESC Congress 2016 - Cover2
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ESC Congress 2016 - ii
ESC Congress 2016 - Contents
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