= the ultimate IP solution for intercom . . . ADAM | OMI DKP 16 CLD | RVON Up to 512 OMNEO ports DKP 16 CLD | RVON DKP 16 CLD | RVON KP 12 CLD KP 12 CLD RTS presents its latest generation of OMNEO-compatible matrix products, marking the first deployment of this breakthrough media networking architecture in the intercom industry. TECHNOLOGY RTS+OMNEO media networking is a major step forward in bringing AVB-compatible, low-latency, and IP-based media networking options to professional intercoms, providing unprecedented device interconnectivity, signal quality and common control for networks of 2 to 10,000 devices. TM-10K FLEXIBILITY RTS ADAM professional intercom products can be deployed with a full IP infrastructure using currently available standard IP network hardware and to interconnect with a wide range of other RTS and third-party devices. ARNI 64 COMPATIBILITY Only RTS+OMNEO media networking provides backward compatibility with RTS ADAM hardware, giving ADAM users the ability to grow into IP at their own pace. OMNEO will interoperate with AVB and Dante devices, providing access to a growing number of compatible products to integrate with RTS ADAM systems. 3 RP 1032 | OKI 2 LAN RP 1032 | OKI 1 RP 1032 | OKI GPIO-16 KP 12 CLD | OKI KP 12 CLD | OKI 1 Trunking data for the TM-10K Ethernet OMNEO connections Analog connections to the frames Please visit the RTS website: www.rtsintercoms.com/omneo 2 64 Ethernet RVON connections GPIO-16http://www.rtsintercoms.com/omneo http://www.ibc.org/page.cfm/Action=Exhib/ExhibID=1838/loadSearch=2188274_18775 http://www.rtsintercoms.com/omneo