The most useful monitor you'll ever buy..... This is Adam-HD, a rechargeable 2.8" high quality picture monitor which you can take everywhere and use with any digital video SDI signals, up to 2K. This tactile little device is always ready for action, showing you crisp, sharp, detailed pictures with a discrete signal format overlay. It's great for audio too with adjustable volume on the speaker and headphone socket and it even has audio meters. Adam-HD makes a great partner for you and will last for up to 2 hours before needing a recharge from its USB port. Adam-HD allows you to check signals more easily, more quickly and more cost effectively and is perfect for Contact us today to get your own Adam-HD. High Performance Media Technology Solutions Limited 6 Fortuna Court, Calleva Park, Aldermaston, Berkshire RG7 8UB United Kingdom t +44 (0) 8707 462062 e www.high-performance-media.com